نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Currently available in preview, Windows Terminal is an app that evolves in a super-fast pace, and each monthly release brings further improvements and polishing that pave the way for a highly-anticipated debut of the stable version.

Looking back at how Windows Terminal improved all year round, the app debuted back in June with version 0.2 within the Microsoft Store, and since them, the software giant added several notable features, including accessibility support, Cascadia Code, dynamic profiles, panes, and full-screen mode.

Going forward, Microsoft says it'll continue to release updates for Windows Terminal on the monthly schedule, however the goal would be to make the app feature-complete in February or March. In other words, the entire feature lineup that's supposed to be part of the stable version of Windows Terminal ought to be finalized in only 2 or 3 months.

Public launch in H1 2020

Microsoft says it wants to bring Windows Terminal towards the market like a stable release within the first half of the year, which means it'll make use of the months between the feature-complete stage and also the public debut from the app for bug fixes along with other tweaks for more polishing.

"The Terminal team will continue developing preview releases on a monthly cadence. We're likely to be feature complete around February/March. After that, we will focus on polish and gratifaction to guarantee the Terminal is able to be considered a v1.0 product. Windows Terminal v1.0 is scheduled to be released within the first half of 2020," Microsoft explains.

You can download Windows Terminal now to give it a try, but bear in mind the app continues to be in preview stage, so some features might not work exactly as anticipated. The app only creates Windows 10, and when you're running one of the supported versions from the OS, you're all set.

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تاریخ انتشار : جمعه 29 آذر 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Windows 10 has become active on over 825 million devices worldwide, based on internal documentation spotted by Thurrott.com.

While Microsoft hasn't released any official numbers regarding Windows 10's install base recently - and last week's Build 2019 developer conference could have been the perfect time to do so - if those numbers are correct, it implies that Microsoft's latest operating-system is within pretty good shape.

The documentation also sheds light on some impressive numbers from Microsoft's Essential Products (EPIC) group. Based on Thurrot.com, Windows 10's mobile apps - for example Android and iOS versions of Edge, Onenote and Microsoft To-Do happen to be downloaded 32 millions times.

The mobile form of Edge has been doing surprisingly well, with 4.5 million downloads, and Microsoft Launcher, a person interface for Android smartphones with a focus on Microsoft services and products, has 4 million monthly active users.

Office 365 is bigger than Spotify and Amazon Prime combined

In other news, it looks like Microsoft's Office 365 subscription services are also succeeding, with a recent tweet by Tren Griffin, a senior director at Microsoft, disclosing that there are now 214 million Office 365 subscribers - which is a lot more than Amazon Prime (101 million subscribers) and Spotify Premium (107 million) combined.

Someone asked me what's the most interesting part of my work. It is this;"Microsoft's Office has become a cloud-based service boasting a lot more than 214 million subscribers who pay around $99 annually; it has more subscribers than Spotify and Amazon Prime combined."May 5, 2019

With those subscribers paying $99 annually each, that's a hefty wad of money heading into Microsoft's coffers.

If anyone doubted that Microsoft could convince people - and businesses - to pay for a regular membership because of its Office products, then these results prove that it can. Very successfully.

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تاریخ انتشار : چهار شنبه 27 آذر 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Windows 10 May 2019 Update has experienced an enormous spike in adoption, and has already overtaken the October 2018 Update having a seriously speedy rollout, at least based on some stats.

Fundamental essentials monthly figures from AdDuplex, which show that the May 2019 Update has tripled its degree of adoption in August, and is now on 33% of Windows 10 PCs (the stats are derived via adverts run on apps from the Microsoft Store, having a sample size over 100,000 devices).

You may recall that whenever Microsoft first started deploying the May 2019 Update, it took a really cautious approach, although that was hardly surprising given the disastrous previous (October 2018 Update) upgrade. In the first week of its release (the ultimate week in May), the May 2019 Update only found a home on 1.4% of PCs based on AdDuplex.

That increased to six.3% in June, and 11.4% last month in July, so essentially that's a stable 5% monthly for those initial few months. However, now the floodgates have evidently opened, as the jump to 33% in August represents an almost 22% increase.

And clearly what's promising for Microsoft is the fact that despite this much faster pace of deployment, no serious problems have emerged (even though some minor niggles have popped up with cumulative updates recently).

Neatly divided

Interestingly, the stats for August show that Windows 10 versions are roughly split into three across the users list - with a third on the May 2019 Update, a third on the October 2018 Update, along with a third around the April 2018 Update.

The majority of the users upgrading towards the May 2018 Update come from the April 2018 Update, and are skipping straight within the famously wobbly October 2018 Update.

This is no real surprise as Microsoft had previously stated that it's forcing upgrades on April 2018 Update users, as they are with an old version of Windows 10 that the end-of-service date is coming closer and closer (November 12).

Obviously, we are saying the upgrade has been forced on machines, however, you can still delay it by as much as 35 days (even on Windows 10 Home), but going through these latest figures, it seems most people are now keen to move to the latest version of Microsoft's desktop operating-system.

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تاریخ انتشار : جمعه 22 آذر 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Windows 10 May 2019 Update recently had a patch issued to repair problems with game audio, and also at time of its release, we noted that everybody wondered what it really might break - and now (sadly) we have our answer: printers, in some instances.

This really is according to user reports on Microsoft's Answers.com site, and also a thread on Google's Chrome Help forum (oddly enough) as spotted by Windows Latest, along with more complaints via Ask Woody.

The issue is the cumulative update KB4517211, which fixed a number of problems including muffled game audio, is seemingly causing major problems mainly for HP printers, but potentially with other brands too.

The Answers.com post notes: "The Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1903 [Windows 10 May 2019 Update] KB4517211 is causing the printer spooler service to stop and also the installed printer is not recognized. It's an HP Officejet Pro 8210 printer.

"When I go into services.msc I can start the spooler and my printer then reappears but because soon as I attempt to print the spooler service stops. If I uninstall update KB4517211, my printer again works."

A number of users then chime in struggling with similar printer-breaking issues, all of them seemingly running HP models.

However, in the Ask Woody thread, GBorn - who blogged about this issue on Born's Tech and Windows World - noted that he'd sought and received feedback from his readers to determine if this is an issue which is specific to HP printers.

However, other medication is reportedly being hit by problems caused by the KB4517211 patch that is interfering with PDF printer drivers and Kyocera network printers. So it would seem that this gremlin isn't only being encountered by HP printer users - but they certainly seem to be the majority of those affected.

The road to reputational ruin?

Once we recently observed, Microsoft is having an entire nightmare here - a potentially very expensive one in terms of its reputation - cheap another fix has seemingly caused yet another bug just pours more fuel around the fire.

There has been a clattering 'domino effect' of bug fixes causing yet more bugs in recent times, with an initial patch to solve some long-standing minor bugs introducing a brand new trouble with Cortana and CPU usage.

Then the treatment for that broke the beginning menu and Taskbar, as well as causing the aforementioned audio issues in certain games - and today the fix for the latter appears to have ushered during these serious printer gremlins.

'Oh dear' doesn't quite pay for it.

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تاریخ انتشار : چهار شنبه 20 آذر 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Windows 10 Mobile will get its last updates in a few days, so Microsoft has become making the final plans to leave the entire platform behind for good.

Within an announcement this week, Microsoft reveals that Office apps for Windows 10 Mobile will be retired in January 21, which means that Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Onenote wouldn't get any security updates, non-security hotfixes, free assisted support, and online technical content updates following this date.

Office apps will work after Windows 10 Mobile reaches the end-of-support in a few days, but Microsoft emphasizes that no security updates would be shipped.

On the other hand, Office apps is going to be completely pulled in January 2021, and the download links will be removed. This means that only devices where they're installed during the time of the retirement date would be able to use Office.

Next thing: moving to Android or iPhone

The organization recommends everyone to switch to Android and iOS where Office apps continue to receiving updates at a regular pace.

"Because of the insufficient security updates, we highly recommend that if you intend to use Office on the phone you transition to the latest Microsoft Office apps with an iOS or Android phone. Not only will you find Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Onenote apps in the iOS and Android app stores, you will also find new innovations such as the Office app which provides a simple, integrated knowledge about Word, Excel, and PowerPoint all-in-one app with all the mobile features you already know and employ," Microsoft says.

Windows 10 Mobile has been around an inactive state for a few years already, so this month's end-of-support date is more of a formality. The majority of users have already migrated to Android and iOS, so few people are apt to be impacted by these retirement dates.

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تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 18 آذر 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Microsoft has silently started the rollout of the updated New Tab Page (NTP) for the InPrivate mode in its new Chromium-based Microsoft Edge browser.

At this point, the new Edge continues to be in preview stage and can be downloaded by users on Windows and macOS included in the Canary, Dev, and Beta channels.

The redesigned NTP is available in the Canary and Dev builds, though not all users are getting it, as it's included in a controlled feature rollout. This means only a limited set of users has got the feature in order for Microsoft to buy additional time for further fixes and polishing. The rollout advances gradually, so more users should start seeing the updated NTP as reliability is determined.

First of all, what is the reason for InPrivate in Microsoft Edge?

Just like Google Chrome's Incognito mode, Microsoft Edge InPrivate allows you to see the web without leaving traces like browsing history, cookies, site data, passwords, and such things as that. Favorites and downloaded files continue to be saved, but apart from that, you should use the InPrivate mode to see the web securely without storing any information about the session in your device.

This new update for that NTP causes it to be clearer what information is removed automatically while using the browser in the InPrivate mode, with all of details displayed in a way that reminds of the traditional FAQ.

The NTP thus answers questions such as "what does Microsoft Edge collect?" and "How does InPrivate search with Microsoft Bing protect me?" that are presumably among the key details that users have to know when launching the browser within this mode.

Microsoft also insists for implementing InPrivate for searching with Bing, with an InPrivate tag displayed in the actual search engine on the Bing search engines.

"When searching totally submitted using InPrivate search, data you can use to recognize your bank account or device is removed, and no personalized content will appear on Bing. Bing will still provide local results based on your IP location, which can't be traced to your bank account or devices. Links to sign in together with your Microsoft Account won't appear towards the top of the page on Bing while using InPrivate search, and automatic sign in on Bing is going to be disabled," Microsoft explains.

"Nothing you look for using InPrivate search is saved to your Bing search. Such searches won't ever come in or influence your Bing search suggestions."

Furthermore, the company has restyled the brand new InPrivate window icon, albeit this is something which not all users might notice at first glance. This change comes alongside a rather redesigned InPrivate popup displayed when clicking the consumer icon in the toolbar.

As explained by reddit user Leopeva64-2, the InPrivate indicator continues to be updated within the latest Canary version, but it should escape to the Dev channel within the coming updates too.

Bear in mind, however, that the improvements here could further alternation in the coming weeks as Microsoft is yet to produce a reliable build of Microsoft Edge.

The browser happens to be up for testing, and individuals acquainted with Microsoft's plans established that the ultimate build often see daylight as soon as early 2020. The Chromium-based Microsoft Edge should then end up being the new default browser within the Windows 10 20H1 feature update, whose release is projected to begin in April or May. Exactly the same update is expected to become finalized this month, however the stable version of Microsoft Edge would be integrated into the release at another time.

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تاریخ انتشار : جمعه 15 آذر 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Users seeking to reinstall Windows 10 will quickly be able to do so just by going online, Microsoft has revealed

The most recent Windows 10 Insider Preview Build features a new option when resetting your PC that will tie to a cloud download of Windows.

So far, anyone seeking to reinstall Windows would have required to use an external copy from the software, or decide to utilise a nearby copy, which is often already stored on a PC and therefore at risk of corruption or any other faults.


The brand new choice is included included in the "Reset this PC" menu within the Recovery section of Windows Settings, and can reinstall the same build, version, and edition of Windows that was placed on the unit. Previously, Reset this PC used local files to build a new Windows installation from exisiting files.

This new cloud download option is open to all Windows 10 devices and it is not the same as the "Recover from the cloud" feature available on some earlier Windows 10 devices. Microsoft says the brand new addition was inspired by users saying they'd would rather use their high-speed internet connection to hurry in the re-install process just by downloading Windows.

The company adds that doing this will remove any apps installed on the unit - which if the "Remove everything" choice is selected, then user data is going to be deleted as well.

Microsoft is going to be hoping that the new release helps encourage even more uptake of the latest versions of Windows 10.

Recent figures in the company reveal that its Windows 10 May 2019 Update rollout has accelerated speedily, using the upgrade now on 33 percent of Windows 10 machines -that figure having tripled since the previous month.

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تاریخ انتشار : چهار شنبه 13 آذر 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

The deadline to obtain a free upgrade to Windows 10 has sadly now passed. Don't worry though as you can depend on Softwareonlinedeal to help you buy Windows 10 to find the best price. Windows 10 brings back the beloved Start button in addition to all of the features and integrations you've arrived at expect from your PC.

So, if you're creating a brand new system or want to upgrade to Windows 10 with an older device, you're going to need to buy Windows again. Don't be concerned though, because we look into the prices of Windows 10 every single day to make sure you get the best deals.

Why buy Windows 10?

You may still be running your computer on Windows 7 or 8, therefore it may be time for you to buy Windows 10. This isn't only a performance update, Windows 10 brings additional features and security settings for your machine that are crucial to having your work completed in today's operating systems. From the ease of the Cortana assistant to the speed boost you will find instantly, upgrading your older system to Windows 10 is going to be well worth your while.

The very best Cyber Monday Windows 10 prices and deals

If you're looking for PC parts this Cyber Monday, don't forget to keep an eye on operating system deals. We'll be keeping a watch for you personally and reporting all the deals because they are available in via our Cyber Monday deals page so be sure to bookmark it and check back in for the cheapest solution.

Buy Windows 10 Home for the best price

An ideal version of Windows for home users

Windows 10 Home is the version that many people will need. It's for home use and includes game streaming from Xbox One along with other consumer features like Cortana, as well as Windows Hello for logging into your PC via a fingerprint scanner or your face. If Windows 8 was the steepest learning curve imaginable, Windows 10 is much like meeting an excellent friend you once knew again - it's just that they've bought newer and more effective clothes of which you really do approve. If you're looking to purchase Windows 10 Home today, you will find some excellent purports to help you save some cash below.

Buy Windows 10 Pro for the cheapest price

Go Pro if you think it's worth paying more for that Pro features

Buy Windows 10 Pro if you want the additional security and management improvements over the Home version above. It offers Hyper-V for virtualization, BitLocker whole disk encryption, enterprise mode IE, Remote Desktop, a version of the Windows Store for your own business and assigned access (which locks your personal computer to running only one modern application, to make use of just like a kiosk). Network admins may also schedule updates so that they don't happen at important times.

Buy Windows 7 deals

Windows 7 - because we fear change

What's this? Windows 7 deals on a page that advertises Windows 10? Problems in later life some of you want to stick with Windows 7, possibly even on the new machine. Don't be concerned, we totally have it. It can be because you have some hardware/software that works better on the old OS or it just feels better. Or possibly it's because you've no time for that ridiculousness from the tiles format. If any of the above seem like you, buy Windows 7, a PC traditionalist's choice.

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تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 11 آذر 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

It's that time again and Microsoft just released a brand new major Windows 10 version. Here are some approaches to direct download Windows 10 v1909 ISO.

Just a few days back, Microsoft released the brand new Windows 10 version 1909. This is a major upgrade. However, unlike another major upgrades which happen twice yearly, v1909 is solely centered on improvements and bug fixes of existing features. Other a few new minor features like Enhanced Search in the start menu and File Explorer, there aren't any additional features within this update. You can imagine this update like a Service Pack for Windows 10, like in the days of XP and 7.

So, without further ado, allow me to show the best way to download Windows 10 v1909 ISO from Microsoft.

There are ways to download the v1909 ISO file. Each method are really quite simple. The first method uses the state tool provided by Microsoft and doesn't support pause and resume while downloading. The 2nd method lets you download the ISO file directly without needing this tool. Follow the method you think is perfect for you.

1. Use the Media Creation Tool

Media Creation Tool may be the official tool that allows you to do an in-place upgrade, create Windows 10 bootable USB media, or download the ISO file. The downside of the tool is it is usually slow to download the ISO and there is no method to pause or resume the download.

1. First, head over to this web site and then click the "Download tool now" button.

2. The above action will download the Media Creation Tool. Once downloaded, double-click around the downloaded EXE file. You'll be prompted towards the accept terms. Click the "Accept" button to continue.

3. Within the next window, select the "Create Installation Media" radio option and click on the "Next" button.

4. The tool is intelligent enough to automatically grab the word what, edition, and architecture from your current installation. If that's not correct or you want to change it, uncheck the "Use the recommended options for this PC" checkbox and customize the options. Click on the "Next" button to continue.

5. Now, select "ISO File" radio option and click on "Next".

6. You'll be prompted to select a destination folder in order to save the downloaded ISO file. Go to where you want to save the file, provide a descriptive name and then click the "Save" button.

7. Once you hit the save button, the tool will begin the downloading process. The ISO file will be anywhere from 3.5 GB to 4 GB. Based on your online connection speed, it can take serious amounts of complete the full download.

After completing the download, there is a Windows 10 v1909 ISO in the location you chose earlier.

2. Direct Download Windows 10 v1909 ISO from Microsoft Website

Other than while using Media Creation Tool, you can also download the ISO directly from the Microsoft website. However, if you try to achieve that, Microsoft will make you download the Media Creation Tool.

So, if you wish to directly download the v1909 ISO, you have to trick the Microsoft website into supplying the ISO file rather than the Media Creation Tool.

That's all. It is that simple to download Windows 10 v1909 ISO.

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تاریخ انتشار : جمعه 8 آذر 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Microsoft is now rolling out Windows 10 build 19030 for devices within the Fast ring of the Windows Insider Program. This is the preview number 45 releasing as part of the 20H1 (Vibranium) development, and it's a little update with several fixes.

Windows 10 build 19030, based on the company, removes the watermark from the lower-right corner signaling the new version is nearly complete, and all sorts of features planned for this release already are integrated.

Also, this flight fixes a sign-in issue when resetting the PIN from the logon screen, night light settings, and memory problem viewing long HECV videos.

Microsoft is listing the entire set of improvements, fixes, and known issues for Windows 10 Insider Preview build 19030 in the Windows Blog.

Download Windows 10 build 19030

However, there are no ISO files for Windows 10 build 19030, the update can be obtained immediately with the Fast ring. This preview build will download and install automatically on your device, but you can invariably force the update from Settings > Update & security > Windows Update, and clicking the Check for updates button.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 461
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تاریخ انتشار : چهار شنبه 6 آذر 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

How come Microsoft want the Windows 10 Your Phone app? Since it preserves the most crucial functions of a phone: access for your photos, messages, notifications, calls, and even your phone's home screen-without the need to remove your phone out of your pocket.

That might sound ridiculous, but think again: Once you pull your phone from your pocket, you're instantly lost in messages, email, Instagram-all of those distracting from your focus and flow while caring for your PC. Theoretically, you can refuse to open Outlook on your PC and use your phone instead. But you don't, right? Since the PC is a lot more convenient-and, in a few instances, having fun with your phone is also quite rude.

Your Phone's functionality is essentially complete, however the landing's been a little rough. You'll have to combine the best PC and phone hardware to obtain the most of Your Phone, but the best basic features already are available to the planet at large. We are able to also show you how exactly what the final vision appears like, and just what (if anything!) you'll want to get there. Your Phone is surprisingly simple and effective, and it's much further along than during our start looking at the Your Phone experience.

Setup: What you'll need

Due to the "walled garden" approach Apple takes with iOS, Your Phone is essentially associated with Android. (Though Your Phone technically supports iPhones, Microsoft has stopped listing them among supported phones.) Even so, its not all phone supports every Your Phone function at this time. You'll get the best experience at this time with a Samsung Galaxy or OnePlus phone.

Any recent Android phone should be able to connect to Your Phone and receive Your Phone's basic functions: photos, SMS texts, and notifications. The newer, more complex functions-placing calls and interacting with the phone's home screen-are restricted to a smaller subset of devices (Galaxy Phones and up to date OnePlus phones, basically). Unfortunately, Your Phone can link simply to just one phone right now.

Here's a more detailed list of the hardware and software requirements for every Your Phone function, at the moment:

Photos, messages, and notifications:

A Windows 10 PC running the Windows 10 April 2018 Update or later, and an Android phone running Android 7.0 or later.

Telephone calls (Calls) out of your PC:

A Windows 10 PC with build 18362.356 or newer, as well as an Android phone running Android 7.0 or later.

Getting together with your phone's screen (Phone screen) from your PC:

A Windows 10 Insider PC supporting Low Energy Peripheral Mode, including Surface Laptop 2, Surface Pro 4-6, Surface Book 1-2, and Surface Go. A list of supported phones is here, with many Samsung Galaxy and recent OnePlus devices supported.

Generally, I've had the very best luck with Calls and make contact with Screen while running the most recent Windows 10 Insider Fast Ring previews, which are optimized for that latest iteration of the Phone. But the basic functions (texts, photos, and notifications) should work fine having a regularly-updated Windows 10 PC. Remember, this should all open up to some wider subset of devices over time.

How to set up Your Phone in your smartphone

While the Your Phone app should be pre-loaded or automatically downloaded on most PCs, you'll need to download the companion app for your phone, known as the Your Phone Companion. The Your Phone Companion for Android can either be downloaded via the link, or enter your phone number in to the Your Phone app on Windows. Microsoft will send a text for your phone with the download link within it.

Observe that you'll need to setup Your Phone Companion on the telephone as well as Your Phone on the PC at basically the same time, ensuring your phone and PC are up to date, activating Bluetooth on both devices, and launching both apps. You'll quickly move through a short number of steps that will enable your phone as well as your PC for connecting.

Setup needs a decent amount of backwards and forwards, and that there can be some fiddling that needs to be done. Setup will probably make sure that Bluetooth is on on both devices, although not always. The setup process will also probably pair both devices for you, however when I switched test phones I needed to perform these steps manually. Make certain both devices are on the same Wi-Fi network for easier communication. And when it's finally ready to go, you'll probably need to approve separate Your Phone Companion permissions for texting, then calls, then notifications, and so forth; It's a hassle, but the permissions are there to make sure apps don't abuse your privacy.

Don't be switched off through the apparent complexity. We've detailed a lot of the steps that Windows must take proper care of behind the scenes, and some of this is just stepping through the normal privacy approvals.

How to use Your Phone

Once setup is completed, it's time to actually make use of your Phone. Here's quick tips towards the particulars of each one of the apps.

One potential gotcha is due to your smartphone's onscreen keyboard. Your Phone is made to allow you to access your phone out of your PC, using your physical keyboard for connecting to it and react to messages. I had been shocked to discover that when I acquired my phone (by habit) to reply to a text, the onscreen keyboard had disappeared. In the event that happens, try searching for the "keyboard" in the Android Settings menu in your phone, after which be sure that there's a choice to enable the on-screen keyboard even when your computer is doing the typing. That will allow you the freedom to apply your phone as you'd like, even if it's connected to the PC.

Remember to check the Your Phone app's Settings gear at the bottom left-hand corner, where there are options, for instance, to permit SMS texts although not MMS pictures.


Your Phone's Photos tab is similar to the Photos app within Windows: if you take a photograph with your phone, Your Phone's Photos causes it to be open to you for sharing or editing. You'll visit a matrix of up to 25 photos and screenshots inside the Your Phone Photos tab, which you'll copy, share, or save from inside the tab. Frustratingly, you can't directly edit them using Photos if you don't save them to your hard drive, then edit all of them with Photos.


In this context, "Messages" is just shorthand for SMS/MMS text messages, not any specific app on Android or anywhere else. As a result, it's a bare-bones summary of the text messages you and your contacts have exchanged, nothing more. Most messaging apps, including Skype, provide a "call" option, and usually a video-chat option as well. Messages does neither, even though you could argue again the bare-bones approach is necessary to keep flow.

The Settings choice to download images sent via MMS texts automatically needs some clarity. For one, when I specifically toggled it on, an evaluation photo delivered to me via text didn't save to my PC-though my phone isn't configured to automatically save photos delivered to my phone. (The photo appeared inline like a text message, though, because it should have.) It might also be useful to know exactly where MMS images are saved, and when they're automatically backed up to OneDrive. This is why people use Snapchat, after all.

Unfortunately, Messages still shows any message threads that you've archived on your phone, including automated texts of one-time passwords that a web service may give back for two-factor authentication. (Remember that it's safer to use an authenticator app for 2FA instead.)


Likewise, Notifications represent nothing more than the Android notifications that apps already send to the home screen of your phone. There's very little to complete here, even though you do have the option of filtering those notifications to ensure that merely a subset gets passed along for your PC.

Like notifications of new email, those slide in from the bottom right and reside in your Action Center. That's reason enough to think about the filtering options, as at this time you can observe one notification slide in for a brand new email on your phone, and the other in the Mail or Outlook app on your PC.

Phone screen

This is one of the more interesting value-added features of Your Phone: the opportunity to access your phone's home screen, and by proxy, access any Android apps which may be on it. Overall it might be more convenient just to simply haul out your phone. However, if doing this could be rude, Your Phone is really a convenient way to access it surreptitiously.

Because you're interacting with your phone on the Bluetooth connection, you'll notice some lag. (Like a test, I attempted a couple of games over the Your Phone connection; something like Angry Birds is playable, but an action game is not.) Keep in mind that you can't easily decrease your phone's volume without physically getting together with it, so you'll need to dive into the phone's settings menu to adjust it.

If there's an Android app you need to access surreptitiously, without any Windows or web counterpart available, the telephone screen feature can be handy.


Using the recently announced Calls, Your Phone finally becomes...a telephone. Ensure that you enable your phone to talk about its contact list with Windows. Calls doesn't seem to access the Windows 10 People app or Outlook, which is where Windows would store that contact details.

Calls enables you to make use of your laptop's speaker and mic to speak to callers, which obviously is anything but discreet. However, if you're your private office, you don't need to unearth your phone to answer or place a phone call.

Assuming you've never used Skype before, it may be rather fun to put and react to a phone call out of your PC. I did watch a little bit of an echo or "tunnel" effect when answering callers, though which may be patched out over time.

Same with Your Phone ultimately useful? It may be, meaning that the Android watch or Apple Watch enables you to surreptitiously glance at your wrist-or in this instance, your screen-to see what your phone is reporting. A wearable does much more-but that's one more tool and one more cost.

Fortunately, the standard functions are probably the best: the ability to see and respond to texts and notifications, in addition to grab a photo out of your phone and employ it quickly within a Windows application. Those Your Phone features are available now, using a broad range of phones and PCs. They're worth trying out.

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تاریخ انتشار : سه شنبه 5 آذر 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Microsoft has become while re-building its Microsoft Edge browser based on the Chromium engine, the same platform that powers other browsers, including here Google Chrome and Vivaldi.

Microsoft Edge is rapidly approaching the stable channel, so users can already download preview builds as part of the Canary, Dev, and Beta builds.

However, as some discovered in the last couple of months, installing Microsoft Edge fails with errors that aren't necessarily straightforward, meaning resolving the reason for the issue isn't always the simplest move to make.

Today, I'll share the steps that you need to follow in order to fix a mistake that doesn't say a lot at first glance:

"There was a problem installing."

As you can see, this error message doesn't even have an error code or perhaps an indication of the items went wrong, therefore the only thing it says would be that the browser failed to install and that's pretty much it.

Most often than not, this error message is caused due to a thing that everybody does: running the installer from another browser.

In other words, if you downloaded the Microsoft Edge installer using Google Chrome and then clicked it from Google's browser, there's a strong possibility that you encountered this error.

If you're fortunate enough, the workaround doesn't require lots of seconds from your time. The one thing you need to do would be to head over to the Downloads folder fitted device (or to the folder where your downloads are stored if you configured a custom location) and launch the installer manually. The Microsoft Edge installer is known as:


For most users, this really is enough to obtain the browser up and running. But there's also the unlucky fellows who can't locate the Microsoft Edge installer due to the fact it's not there. In this instance, additional steps are needed.

First and foremost, you need to launch the Registry Editor by pressing Windows key + R and typing regedit. Next, navigate to the following locations according to your Windows 10 version:

32-bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE \Microsoft\EdgeUpdate\Clients\F3C4FE00-EFD5-403B-9569-398A20F1BA4A
64-bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate\Clients\F3C4FE00-EFD5-403B-9569-398A20F1BA4A

Once you locate these registry keys, simply delete them in the device.

The next thing is downloading and reinstalling Microsoft Edge. A method reboot shouldn't normally be expected after removing the aforementioned registry key, however i do recommend you to definitely do one, simply to make sure that the registry is reinitialized and all the changes are applied.

When you do this, Microsoft Edge should install and run correctly whatever the browser that you employ to download the installer.

Bear in mind, however, that Microsoft Edge is still a work-in-progress at this time, and difficulties with the installer or when using the browser aren't necessarily very surprising. The objective of these preview builds would be to allow you to try out the applying before the public launch, send feedback to Microsoft, and help it resolve the bugs in anticipation of the stable build release.

According to people familiar with the problem, the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge ought to be finalized early in the year of 2020 and then included because the new default browser in Windows 10 20H1. As per Microsoft's release schedule, the 20H1 feature update is supposed to be pushed to production devices in April or May, making this as soon as once the new Edge should get the go-ahead for production devices too.

Meanwhile, you are able to download preview builds from the new Microsoft Edge for Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, and macOS.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 263
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تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 4 آذر 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Microsoft announced the Surface Earbuds in the company's hardware event on October 2, by having an estimated shipping date looking for late 2019.

But as it turns out, the company must further polish the earbuds before making them available to buy, so Panos Panay, chief of Microsoft's hardware unit, announced a brand new date once the method is supposed to hit the shelves.

Microsoft Surface Earbuds are now projected to go reside in before summer 2020, of course unless additional time is required to make sure the best experience.

"Product-making is about the relentless mission for get every detail right, which takes time…sometimes more than we planned on. To make sure we deliver the most effective experience for you personally, our fans & customers, Surface Earbuds will now launch worldwide in Spring 2020," Panay said.

AirPods alternative

Surface Earbuds are considered one of the most advanced rivals to Apple's AirPods, but as when compared with this product, they use both Android and iOS devices.

Because they rely on a typical Bluetooth connection, Surface Earbuds can pair with Windows 10, Android 4.4 and newer, iPhone 5 and iOS 9 or newer devices.

Of course, similar to the other earbuds available on the market, Microsoft's model includes all kinds of gimmicks, together with a charging case that tips the scales at just 40 grams, two microphones per earbud, and a total battery life of Twenty four hours using the case. It supports several gestures, including touch, tap, swipe, and voice input. Surface Earbuds support a multitude of digital assistants, including not just Microsoft's own Cortana, but additionally Siri around the iPhone and Google Assistant on Android devices.

Surface Earbuds will be available for $249 when they continue sale the coming year, but the pricing will be a little bit different with respect to the market and the local taxes.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 303
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تاریخ انتشار : جمعه 1 آذر 1398 | نظرات ()