نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Microsoft announced something Linux users would have never dreamed of, the first Microsoft Linux Conference for his or her WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) implementation.

If you never heard of WSL, let us tell you that Windows Subsystem for Linux is a compatibility layer created by Microsoft to let you install GNU/Linux distributions and natively run Linux binaries on Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019 operating systems.

WSL 2, the most recent form of Windows Subsystem for Linux, was announced by Microsoft the 2009 summer and it introduces major additional features like an entirely new architecture that utilizes a genuine, in-house built Linux kernel, as well as full system call compatibility to operate more Linux apps.

"This kernel has been specially tuned for WSL 2. It has been optimized for size and performance to give an amazing Linux experience on Windows. We will service this Linux kernel through Windows updates, and that means you will get the latest security fixes and kernel improvements while not having to manage it yourself," said Microsoft.

Windows Subsystem for Linux Conference takes place March 10-11, 2020

Since Microsoft finally takes Linux seriously, the tech giant announced the first ever Microsoft Linux Conference for WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux). Dubbed WSLconf, which means Windows Subsystem for Linux Conference, the big event will require place next year between March 10th and March 11th.

Based on Microsoft, the WSLconf event is going to be organized through the community with no registration fee is needed to attend it, though attendee space is going to be limited. The conference is going to be held on the Microsoft Redmond campus in Washington, america, in Building 20.

Throughout the two-day conference, you'll be able to attend presentations from the Ubuntu on WSL team at Canonical, the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) team at Microsoft, and also the creators of Pengwin, a Linux distro based on Debian GNU/Linux and optimized for WSL. More details about WSLconf are available around the official website.

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تاریخ انتشار : چهار شنبه 27 شهريور 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Microsoft has confirmed today that it's working on a Linux version for its acclaimed Microsoft Teams universal communications platform.

Supported on some of the most popular desktop and mobile platforms, including Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android, Microsoft Teams provides a unified communications platform where teams can share a workspace where they are able to chat, share files, and use business apps.

More and more people are switching to Linux nowadays, and also, since Microsoft itself started integrating Linux into its latest Windows 10 operating system with the WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) project, in addition to develop new features for that Linux kernel, the company confirmed today it will release Microsoft Teams for Linux.

After it was rumoured that Microsoft might launch a Linux version of its Microsoft Teams communications platform, allowing Linux users to become listed on their Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android teammates, a company employee popularized Twitter to confirm that an official form of Microsoft Teams for Linux will quickly be available to download.

Ubuntu and Debian are officially supported

Microsoft not just confirmed that it's already focusing on a Linux version of Microsoft Teams, but it also set up a repository for some of the most popular GNU/Linux distributions, Ubuntu and Debian, which means that the installations will be made via a PPA repo that you users can certainly increase their systems.

It appears as though Microsoft Teams for Linux was possible due to the popular from users. A request a Linux client on the Microsoft Teams UserVoice feedback forum gathered more than 9,000 votes. However, pricier Microsoft Teams for Linux to be Open Source software, because the code will remain proprietary.

You can test out Microsoft Teams free of charge right now by going to the official website, where you can learn everything there is to know about Microsoft's unified communication platform for chat, video calling, file sharing, and much more. We'll let you know once the Linux client can be obtained for download, so stay tuned.


Let's just the uservoice page was updated a few days ago. :)
?a Christopher Scott [MSFT] (@chscott_msft) September 9, 2019

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تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 25 شهريور 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Long-time Windows 10 users certainly know that installing cumulative updates is often a risky bet, and this is mostly because of the issues these updates end up causing.

During the beginning of Windows 10, these cumulative updates just didn't install and frequently pushed devices into a continuous loop where they were offered the patch just for the installation to finish unexpectedly after which be provided the update once again.

While these issues have apparently been resolved and the updates now install correctly, nowadays there are occasional releases that cause other problems around the Windows 10 devices where they're installed.

The latest cumulative update released by Microsoft is KB4512941 and is specifically targeted at Windows 10 version 1903, or Windows 10 May 2019 Update as it is officially.

This update comes with a welcome group of improvements, and it also resolves an issue breaking down Windows Sandbox, an issue that Microsoft acknowledged in May.

But simultaneously, it also causes high CPU usage around the devices where it's installed. Microsoft is yet to understand the issue, but a quick search on Google reveals there are plenty of users experiencing this behavior.

Initially, the easiest workaround would be to uninstall this cumulative update, but this obviously means you're going to miss all these latest improvements. There's another approach to fix our prime CPU usage, and I'm likely to detail it below.

The high CPU usage bug

First of all, let's see what's causing the high CPU usage.

After closer inspection, it appears as though to blame in this case is really a process called SearchUI.exe and which belongs to digital assistant Cortana. The operation is located at the following location:


The procedure ought to be there even if you disabled Cortana, albeit I haven't received confirmation that top CPU usage is experienced on these units.

Because of this high CPU usage, devices where the update is installed end up hitting other problems, such as not being able to launch the beginning menu, so instead they simply display a large white box.

How to fix the bug

Fixing the bug is dependant on editing a registry key, albeit as you'll figure out in a couple of seconds, this might 't be your favorite bag.

The registry key is called BingSearchEnabled, and it's responsible for allowing and blocking search queries that you do in your device from being delivered to Bing. In other words, if you would like your searches to be performed locally and no Bing search engine results to become shown on the desktop, you most likely disabled this selection which registry key should be disabled.

The odd thing is that you need to enable this registry key (and thus let the feature to allow searches to become delivered to Bing) to be able to fix the problem. Deleting BingSearchEnabled helps too because the default behavior will be restored.

The bottom line is found at the next address within the Registry Editor (Start menu > regedit.exe):


Once you reach this address, just double-click the aforementioned admission to change its value to 1 or delete it. Rebooting the unit should save your valuable settings and correct the high CPU usage, albeit remember that looking behavior is going to be restored to default as well.

We've reached out to Microsoft to inquire about more information about the bug and see if the company is already investigating it. The following batch of cumulative updates is expected in a few days once the software giant begins the rollout from the September 2019 Patch Tuesday fixes.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 351
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تاریخ انتشار : چهار شنبه 20 شهريور 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Windows 10 has a long good reputation for causing privacy concerns around the globe, and more recently, the Dutch data protection agency raised the alarm within the data collection process taking place after installing the OS.

Now the very same agency reached out to Microsoft's lead privacy regulator in Europe to require an intensive investigation of the number of concerns, after a report published earlier this year revealed that the software giant was yet to address the things they considered to be privacy issues.

Your research will be carried out by the Irish Data Protection Commission, or DPC, as well as in an argument for TechCrunch, the privacy watchdog confirmed an analysis of privacy controls in Windows 10 would be conducted.

"Since then the DPC has been liaising using the Dutch DPA to help this matter," a spokeswoman for that DPC was quoted as saying through the cited source. "The DPC has had preliminary engagement with Microsoft and, with the aid of the Dutch authority, we will shortly be engaging further with Microsoft to seek substantive responses around the concerns raised."

Non-diagnostic data collected

Microsoft explains inside a statement it has already worked with the Dutch watchdog on improving privacy in Windows 10, and this new investigation is only another opportunity to further refine the operating system in this regard.

"The Dutch data protection authority has previously brought data protection concerns to our attention, which related to the consumer versions of Windows 10, Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 Pro. We'll work with the Irish Data Protection Commission to discover any further questions or concerns it might have, and also to address any further questions and concerns as soon as possible," Microsoft says.

Meanwhile, the Dutch agency warns that Microsoft collects both diagnostic and non-diagnostic data in Windows 10, explaining the investigation carried out by the Irish watchdog should help determine whether the company processes more details of computer needs from users.

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تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 18 شهريور 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Simply because iPhones play better with MacBooks doesn't resulted in they can't work with Windows 10 laptops. Syncing your computer data requires a a bit more know-how on Windows 10 (instead of macOS' plug-and-play syncing, or how you can just drag and drop files with Android on Windows 10), but with a couple clicks along with a little patience, you'll have all the feaures up to date.

Copying to an iPhone

Syncing music, photos, movies and TV shows means getting confident with iTunes. If you're already using it, you're good to go. If you're not, you are able to download that here and import your music by visiting File > Add Folder to Library to maneuver your present music into iTunes. Once you're prepared to sync, adopt these measures.

1. Connect your iPhone for your laptop with a Lightning cable.

2. Click Continue when asked if the computer can have access towards the phone.

3. Click the phone icon in the top bar.

4. Click Sync.

This will sync the two devices. If it doesn't, visit the sidebar and let the Sync checkboxes under Music, Apps, Movies, Television shows and Photos and click on Sync again.

For the way much data you're syncing, this may take awhile. Get a drink or a snack and are available back later.

5. Look at your photos, music, apps and videos to confirm they arrived on the phone from Windows 10.

Copying From an apple iphone

This is when things get tricky. So that they can avoid piracy, syncing from an iPhone isn't as easy and sending data into it. Luckily, there are several workarounds.

Music and films: This prevents you stuck in Apple's wheelhouse. Though you can move non-iTunes media files to your phone out of your PC, you can't send them in the handset to the pc. However if you purchase media from iTunes in your iPhone, you can get it on your desktop through the cloud. So long as you maintain one Apple ID, you'll be able to download all your songs and films again from iTunes on your computer free of charge.

Photos: Import photos from an apple iphone to Windows 10.

Files: The cloud is your friend for syncing files. While I personally use Dropbox, you may also use iCloud.

It's ideal for users who like Apple's software, including Pages, Numbers and Keynote.

If you're a Dropbox user, you can use the iPhone app and desktop app to see files or photos on either device. If you're a Google user, you can use Sheets, Slides and Docs.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 398
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تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 0
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تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 4 شهريور 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Windows 10's Tablet Mode provides a more touch-friendly experience by making all applications run at full screen (instead of in windows) and giving you a Start screen instead of a Start Menu. If you have a 2-in-1 device, Windows 10 asks you if you want to enter tablet mode any time you convert your notebook right into a slate.

However, if you want to switch between Tablet and Desktop modes manually, stick with Desktop mode even on a tablet or steer clear of the prompt and also have it change to tablet mode automatically, you can change the settings. And when you need to only use the on-screen keyboard, read this separate guide.

Configuring Tablet Mode involves three basic actions:

Go towards the Tablet Mode tab under Settings -> System.
Toggle the "make Windows more touch friendly" option on or off.
Select whether the device switches modes automatically, prompts you or never switches.

Step-by-Step Instructions with Screenshots

1. Click Settings on the Start Menu.

2. Select System.

3. Select Tablet mode within the left pane. A Tablet mode submenu appears.

4. Toggle "Make Windows more touch-friendly . . ." to on to enable Tablet mode. Toggle them back to go to desktop mode.

5. Select "Don't ask me and try to switch" from the "When this product automatically switches" menu if you would like Windows 10 to switch modes on your 2-in-1 without prompting you.

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تاریخ انتشار : جمعه 1 شهريور 1398 | نظرات ()