نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

The brand new Windows Media Player for Windows 11 keeps evolving, and merely not surprisingly, Microsoft uses the Windows Insider program to test new ideas before they go love everybody.

The most recent preview build of Windows 11 comes alongside a brand new version of the Media Player. The new version is 11.2203.30.0, and can be installed today by users within the Dev channel.

In terms of what's new in this Media Player update, Microsoft says it has specifically refined the artist page to make it easier for users to browse their collections.

"You are now able to switch between two different thoughts about the artist page when browsing your collection. One view teaches you all of the albums inside a grid; another shows all the songs, grouped by album. We've also added quick actions to albums, artists, videos, and playlists when you hover them over for convenient selection and playback," the organization explains.

Notable performance improvements

Simultaneously, the updated app gets a context menu within the now playing screen.

"There's also now an opportune context menu available if you right-click on the now playing screen. From here you are able to open new files without navigating to a different page. You may also quickly access the album page and the artist page for your current song. We've added a new "video enhancements" feature too, which lets you adjust the brightness and contrast of the video," Microsoft says.

And also to any or all these new capabilities, the software giant can also be concentrating on the particular performance from the app. This latest update therefore introduces additional refinements designed to result in the app snappier and much more responsive on devices with large collection of music.

Quite simply, Media Player should certainly be faster when loading large music libraries, Microsoft says.

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تاریخ انتشار : جمعه 26 فروردين 1401 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

The most recent Windows 11 preview build, which is available right now for users within the Dev and also the Beta channels from the Windows Insider program, includes what's promising for File Explorer fans out there.

Before you may well ask, no, the tabs are still nowhere to appear, with Microsoft apparently concentrating on improvements in other regards.

Specifically, Windows 11 build 22593 introduced a brand new default homepage for File Explorer. It's called Home, and it's supposed to make accessing your most important files much easier.

"The default homepage of File Explorer has become called Home. The name Quick access has been repurposed for the pinned/frequent folders section and Pinned files is now called Favorites to align with Office and OneDrive," Microsoft explains.

File Explorer tabs

As for tabs, Microsoft has confirmed this selection is originating, but no ETA has been shared regarding when it's designed to happen.

The company announced at its hybrid work event now that tabs are indeed area of the next-generation feature lineup of File Explorer.

"We want to help Windows users be more efficient and much more productive in each and every experience. The redesigned, cloud-powered File Explorer makes it easier to find what you're looking for, allowing you to see all files in one centralized place. You can also pin files and create tabs in File Explorer, bringing what used to take six clicks to get at an essential file to 1," Microsoft's Panos Panay said in an announcement the 2009 week.

If anything, we should expect tabs in File Explorer to become area of the next feature update for Windows 11, that ought to theoretically go love production devices within the other half of the year, with a preview apt to be offered by the Build developer conference.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 200
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تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 22 فروردين 1401 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Microsoft has announced a new feature for File Explorer in the company's hybrid work event today. The file manager is getting support for contextual suggestions, something that'll make sharing files a more straightforward experience from one end to the other.

With contextual suggestions, that are run by Context IQ, File Explorer can automatically recommend contacts you may want to share certain files with.

The whole approach is dependant on an intelligent system that makes certain tasks far easier, so working with File Explorer gets a substantial overhaul in Windows 11.

Wangui McKelvey, General Manager, Microsoft 365, highlighted the refreshed File Explorer at the Microsoft event today.

"One of my personal favorite announcements today may be the refreshed experience of File Explorer. I can't let you know the number of hours I've spent looking for important files and folders through the years. Now, finding files is easy with new contextual suggestions in Windows run by Context IQ. This recommends relevant content and contacts across Windows-including happy to the cloud. For instance, I can tell what files I would want, including files that my frequent collaborators will work with that I additionally have access to," the Microsoft official explained.

Prone to go live in preview builds sooner rather than later

Unfortunately, Microsoft hasn't shared a timeline to let us know once the additional features could finally go love users available.

However, a significant feature update for Windows 11 is anticipated in the other half of the season, so it's believed some of these goodies could be part of this release.

We'll learn more about the ETA rather sooner than later, as all of the features announced today should very first time live in preview builds shipped as part of the Windows Insider program. However, it's most likely only a matter of time until the launch happens.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 237
امتیاز مطلب : 0
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 0
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تاریخ انتشار : جمعه 19 فروردين 1401 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Windows 7 is not a supported operating system, as it reached the end of life in January 2020. Since then, Windows 7 hasn't received any updates, with Microsoft recommending users to maneuver to some newer version of the operating system, be it Windows 8.1, Windows 10, or Windows 11.

However, while Microsoft itself has provided up on Windows 7, other software companies are still providing devices running the operating-system with updates for his or her apps.

Firefox, for example, is constantly on the run on Windows 7, which is certainly good news for those holdouts given Mozilla's browser is one of the best out there.

Starting with Firefox 100, however, Windows 7 users will need to install a special update around the device so that you can run the browser.

Firefox 100 launching the following month

As noticed by TechDows, Firefox 100 requires Windows update KB4474419, as the browser is making the switch to SHA-256 code signing. Support for such tech on Windows 7 is available via the said update, so users are required to install it to continue running Firefox.

The good thing is the update was released in 2019 before Microsoft pulled the plug on Windows 7, which means that all devices still running the operating-system can install it totally free.

"Beginning in this release, the Firefox installer for Windows is signed having a SHA-256 digest, rather than SHA-1. Update KB4474419 is needed for successful installation on the computer running the Microsoft Windows 7 operating system. For more information about this update, visit the Microsoft Technical Support website," Mozilla explains within the release notes of the latest Firefox Nightly build.

Firefox 100 is projected to visit live in early May, so users still running Windows 7 on their information technology has approximately one month to make sure all pre-requisites are met before the latest version from the browser goes live.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 268
امتیاز مطلب : 0
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 0
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تاریخ انتشار : چهار شنبه 17 فروردين 1401 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

We've known for a while that changing the default browsers on Windows 11 wasn't necessarily the most straightforward experience, and lots of accused Microsoft of deliberately making the process more complicated so that they can convince users to stick with Microsoft Edge.

While it's impossible to tell if this is true or not, it's understandable that such controversy isn't something which helps Microsoft and Windows 11 in the long term.

Actually, it does exactly the opposite, as users end up much more frustrated, eventually giving up on more Microsoft software as a approach to protest.

The good thing is that Microsoft have received the message, so the company finally resolved this major Windows shortcoming in the latest cumulative update shipped to Windows 11 devices this week.

Just a small part of a larger problem

As discovered on reddit, what is needed to alter the default browser on Windows 11 at this time is simply one click, as the setting takes care of all extensions (aside from PDF) that would be typically handled with a browser.

But while this is clearly a welcome change, Microsoft continues to have lots of try to do on this front. Windows 11 users ought to be permitted to change the default apps to handle the rest of the file types, no matter if we're talking about audio, video, or documents.

Probably, Microsoft is already aware this has to be done, as well as the moment, the organization seems to stick to small steps despite the fact that, at least theoretically, this shouldn't take too much time to implement.

Meanwhile, it's vital that you keep in mind this latest cumulative update that contains the modification is simply an optional release, therefore the new way of setting another default browser on Windows 11 will become available for everybody next month included in the Patch Tuesday cycle.

If you wish to try it out today, just head over to Windows Update and manually download this optional update.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 301
امتیاز مطلب : 0
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 0
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تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 15 فروردين 1401 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Microsoft keeps focusing on making Windows 11 as a whole feel more modern, and part of its effort may be the expansion of the brand new look and feel towards the entire operating system.

Obviously, this isn't by any means easy and there's a lot of work that needs to be completed in this regard, but Microsoft uses the Windows Insider program specifically to make sure things are working just as planned.

Consequently, every Windows 11 build brings news about this front, with Microsoft therefore continuing the refresh of the Windows knowledge about such refinements ahead of a production launch.

Windows 11 build 22581 will not make any exception, because the software giant has now revamped the system tray icons experience to align with the rest from the operating-system.

If you're currently running the stable version of Windows 11, whenever you hover the Show hidden icons button around the taskbar, you should begin to see the old visual style that's been used in Windows 10.

Currently live only for insiders

The introduction of the aforementioned build changes this, because the flyout has been updated to appear more contemporary, with Microsoft bringing the same refresh to more parts of the machine tray.

"Keyboard focus and mouse hover for Win32 system tray icons and the "Show hidden icons" flyout have been updated to complement the rest of the visual style of the taskbar. You may even notice that drag-and-drop is no longer supported to pin/unpin these items - you are able to show/hide these icons using by right clicking on the taskbar and choosing "Taskbar settings". We also introduced an optional setting to hide the "show hidden icons" button completely, supporting users who want a less complicated taskbar," Microsoft explains.

Bear in mind this build is different to users within the Windows Insider program, but given it's live in both the Dev and Beta channels, it's probably only a matter of time until people running stable Windows 11 get their hands on these refinements too.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 297
امتیاز مطلب : 0
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 0
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تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 8 فروردين 1401 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

The Windows 11 Snipping Tool, plus a number of other apps, isn't employed by many users. According to Microsoft's "Windows 11 Known Issues and Notifications" page, the culprit is an expired digital certificate preventing users from launching and/or using several built-in programs.

Other affected apps range from the Touch Keyboard, Voice Typing and the Emoji Panel. Microsoft released a patch for this issue, but you will need to update it manually because it's currently in the preview channel. Unfortunately, as of this writing, the Redmond-based tech giant hasn't yet found a treatment for the Snipping Tool app (via The Verge).

Some Windows 11 apps aren't working, but there's a fix - type of

If you've unsuccessfully attempted to have a screenshot when the windows are 11 Snipping Tool or had trouble expressing your deepest, truest feelings in the form of an emoji, you're not alone. Since Nov. 1, several Windows 11 apps haven't been working smoothly. As mentioned, the Snipping Tool, Emoji Panel, Touch Keyboard and Voice Typing programs are broken along with the S-Mode Start Menu and Settings apps.

Microsoft rolled out a fix (patch KB4006746), only for that Touch Keyboard, Voice Typing, and Emoji Panel apps. If you've been hoping for a rectification of the Snipping Oral appliance S-Mode apps, you won't find it - a minimum of, not yet.

"We are working on a near-term resolution for the Snipping tool and the S mode issues and will provide an update when available," Microsoft said.

To install the partial fix, navigate to Settings > Windows Update.

For users seeking a workaround solution for the Snipping Tool app, Microsoft recommends while using Print Screen key on your keyboard and pasting the screenshot into Paint to pick and duplicate the section you would like.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 211
امتیاز مطلب : 0
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 0
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تاریخ انتشار : چهار شنبه 3 فروردين 1401 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

The opinions on whether the new Windows 11 Start menu looks and is effective are still divided, but however, Microsoft is working night and day on introducing additional polishing.

Probably the most recent updates specifically targeted at the beginning menu concerned folders. In the Windows Insider program, users can make app folders, and this is obviously something which makes so much sense and it is a feature which should have been there in the very beginning.

In the latest Windows 11 preview build, Microsoft goes one step further and introduces a new option to allow users to mention these folders.

Again, it is really an option many people might have expected to find in Windows 11 as they are, but it's probably still better late than never.

The feature is only a part of Windows 11 build 22579, however it shouldn't take too much time before it makes its way to production devices if no major problems are discovered.

Additional Start menu fixes in this build

"You are now able to name your folders of apps in Start. To name a folder, simply produce a folder (that will possess the default name of "Folder"), open it, click "Edit name", and kind your folder name. Alternatively, use keyboard focus to open the folder then select the text box and begin typing," Microsoft explains.

The most recent Windows 11 preview build also gets a bunch of Start menu fixes, including concerning animations.

"Fixed a problem where Start's folders were still showing animations despite the fact that animation effects disabled. Mitigated an issue that was causing Start's pinned and folders layouts to get reset to default after explorer.exe restarts. Addressed an underlying issue leading to a transparent line to the side of the beginning menu when altering your display's scale," the organization says in the release notes from the latest build.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 249
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تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 0
مجموع امتیاز : 0
تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 1 فروردين 1401 | نظرات ()