نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Microsoft gets prepared to launch Windows 11 to the first wave of eligible devices, and also the release of the operating system certainly comes just in the right time.

It is because Windows has declined at least 4.9 points this past year, according to market share data put together by GeekWire based on IDC numbers.

Windows was running on just 80.5 percent of the devices out there in 2020, down from 85.4 percent a year before.

Microsoft is betting big on Windows 11 in rapid and in the long term, as the company expects the new operating-system also to produce a boost of sales for new computers. Windows 11 includes updated system requirements, and Microsoft recommends users to buy a brand new PC to make the the majority of the new OS.

Chrome OS the runner-up

"Since the first day of developing Windows 11, we've been working closely with this hardware and silicon partners for seamless integration across software and hardware. That co-engineering begins with innovation in the silicon," Microsoft said.

"From AMD and the incredible graphics depth through the Ryzen processors to the incredible performance of Intel's 11th gen and Evo Processors, to Qualcomm's AI prowess, 5G and Arm support, the innovation in our silicon partners brings together the best of Windows 11 using the largest hardware ecosystem on the planet. And with Dell, HP, Lenovo, Samsung, Surface and others, we've worked to ensure most PCs you can buy today is going to be ready for Windows 11 - across a variety of form factors and value points."

While Windows continues to be the best choice within the OS market, macOS has dropped to 3rd place despite its 0.8 points increase. In 2020, 7.Five percent from the devices available were running macOS.

The runner-up at this time is Chrome OS, that is powering 10.8 percent from the devices currently on the market, as sales of Chromebooks jumped substantially last year due to the global health issue.

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تاریخ انتشار : سه شنبه 30 شهريور 1400 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

If you're using a latest version of Windows and rely on Outlook.com for the messaging needs, then here's something that'll probably prove useful.

The latest Chrome 92 update (Microsoft Edge can also be sporting similar functionality in the latest version) allows users to configure Outlook.com because the default email handler when installing the state PWA within the browser.

Spotted by WBI, the brand new feature is run by a brand new implementation called URL Protocol handler registration for PWAs, which essentially implies that other PWAs may ultimately come with similar choices on systems where browsers packing such functionality are installed.

The feature works on both Windows 10 and Windows 11.

Windows 11 just around the corner

If you enable Outlook.com because the default email app, after that you can alter the configuration from the settings app. In Windows 11, the settings app has gotten a redesign, just like the rest of the operating system, therefore being a little bit more straightforward.

Windows 11 may be the new operating-system that's just around the corner, with Microsoft projected to finalize its development at some point this month.

The rollout to production devices will start in early October.

The Mail app isn't getting a major facelift in Windows 11, and also to be truthful, I still think that alternatives like the fully featured Outlook app or Thunderbird are way more powerful on Windows devices.

For this reason counting on Outlook.com because the default mail handler could actually make sense for some, especially given an advanced email client still isn't offered included in the native Windows experience.

To use Outlook.com as the default email handler, just make sure you're running an up-to-date browser, so when you load the PWA, you need to see a notification at the top of the screen to let you enable this functionality in your device.

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تاریخ انتشار : چهار شنبه 24 شهريور 1400 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Microsoft has updated the Windows 11 system requirements, creating a huge controversy that's unlikely to come to a finish too soon.

And while Microsoft explains that new hardware is needed to make sure Windows 11 is running flawlessly on all devices, users who installed preview builds of the operating system even on computers that aren't normally supported claim things are running all right.

Quite simply, these users say, Windows 11 will be able to run flawlessly even on hardware that Microsoft no longer supports.

Theoretically, deploying Windows 11 on these computers could still be possible with alternative installation methods, but sticking with preview builds is one easy way to do that given Microsoft allowed older devices to also get early builds from the operating-system.

Forget about Windows 11 develops older devices

But because it turns out, Microsoft has updated what's needed for Windows 11 preview builds in the Windows Insider program, so computers not coming with supported hardware are no longer allowed to be area of the program.

Instead, as Neowin reports, they are being told to go back to Windows 10, that will continue to be supported on computers not entitled to the move to Windows 11 until 2025.

"Your PC does not meet the minimum hardware requirements for Windows 11. Your device is not eligible to join the Windows Insider Program on Windows 11. Please install Windows 10 to sign up within the Windows Insider Program in the Release Preview Channel," a notification turning up on unsupported devices in Windows Update reads.

Windows 11 will launch in early October for eligible devices, not to mention, it's unlikely to see Microsoft making any major change to the state system requirements. Therefore if the body can't run preview builds of Windows 11, it won't have the ability to run the full OS either.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 285
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تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 22 شهريور 1400 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

One of the additional features that will be rolling out as part of Windows 11 is known as Focus Sessions, a new tool bundled with the revamped clock app that makes it easier to stay focused and productive when you focus on a device run by the new OS.

As you could easily determine, Focus Sessions can perform all sorts of things supposed to allow you to concentrate on the project you're working on, including stopping the background music completely.

But simultaneously, additionally, it may play the tunes that make sense for what you're doing, such as music powered by Spotify and specifically created to avoid you getting distracted.

Bundled with the Clock app, already up for testing

The new Focus Sessions also comes with Microsoft To complete integration.

"Select the task you want to work on on your focus session and appearance it off once it is done. Focus Sessions integrates with Microsoft To Do, helping you to manage your To Do tasks without needing to switch context. Leverage Focus Sessions to work in your tasks planned during the day and make the most out of it," Microsoft explains.

Additionally, the new Focus Sessions will come with a regular goal for the projects you're working on, so you can track your everyday progress with a custom goal. Things are displayed in the actual Clock app.

The brand new app is going to be bundled with Windows 11 automatically, and it's currently available for a limited number of insiders running preview builds.

Windows 11 is going to be finalized the following month, so eventually, everybody should be able to try out the brand new Clock app with Focus Sessions. This feature is going to be contained in Windows 11 on day one once the new operating system launches for production devices starting with October this season.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 360
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تاریخ انتشار : چهار شنبه 17 شهريور 1400 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Microsoft is getting prepared to sign off Windows 11, with a few sources claiming everything is projected to occur when mid-September.

Once finalized, Windows 11 will be further polished with additional cumulative updates, though only more subtle changes would be made, because the purpose at that point is to prepare the operating-system for that public launch to production devices.

Windows 11 is then designed to go love the very first waves of computers in October, with the free upgrade rollout to continue into 2022.

Although not everybody can get Windows 11, as Microsoft has updated the system requirements, making it impossible for some older devices, though less old as you'd be tempted to believe, to run the new operating-system.

New Windows 10 feature update coming

However, even though you can't install Windows 11 or you would like to stick with Windows 10 for the moment, Microsoft says nothing changes so far as the support for the current OS version is concerned. Quite simply, Windows 10 will still be supported until 2025, according to the existing schedule.

"For those people who are using a PC that won't upgrade, and who aren't prepared to transition to a new device, Windows 10 may be the right choice. We will support Windows 10 through October 14, 2025 and we recently announced the next feature update to Windows 10 is originating later this season. Whoever you hire, we are dedicated to supporting you and also offering choice inside your computing journey," Microsoft explains.

Windows 10 is also projected to obtain a new feature update in the fall as version 21H2. However, this new feature update will even recommend the change to Windows 11 if your PC supports it, as discovered recently.

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تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 15 شهريور 1400 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Windows 11 is originating later this year, and obviously, Microsoft is working night and day on preparing its apps for this big release.

The following within the queue to get the Windows 11 treatment is PowerToys, with the company recently announcing an update that includes a fresh feel and look, therefore setting it up ready for the upcoming operating-system.

As you can see in this screenshot, PowerToys overall feels a lot more modern thanks to this facelift, which includes new icons, modern UI controls a la Windows 11, along with other accessibility touches that make the app overall easier to use as well.

Windows 11 coming in October

Microsoft is anticipated to finalize Windows 11 the following month, as the public launch should take place at some stage in October.

The company hasn't confirmed this schedule, however it did point out that the disposable upgrade campaign, that will simply be readily available for certain eligible devices, would start later this year and will continue into 2022.

"Windows 11 is going to be available via a free upgrade for eligible Windows 10 PCs and on new PCs beginning this holiday. To see if your present Windows 10 PC is eligible for the disposable upgrade to Windows 11, visit Windows.com to download laptop computer Health Check app," Microsoft said.

"The free upgrade will start to roll out to eligible Windows 10 PCs this holiday and recurring into 2022."

Because it typically happens when Microsoft ships new Windows updates, Windows 11 will originally land in stable form for insiders, using the company to then deliver additional polishing and improvements with the aid of cumulative updates. If everything goes based on the plan, Windows 11 could land on the very first production devices within the second half of October.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 315
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تاریخ انتشار : پنج شنبه 11 شهريور 1400 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Modern laptops have good cameras and we use these cameras mostly for online meetings or calls. So if you are utilizing a video calling app, it'll need access to the camera. But simultaneously, you never know which all apps are accessing the camera on your Windows 11. This may be a significant privacy issue, but thankfully Windows provides the choice to block camera access to apps in Windows 11. Let us observe how we are able to choose the apps which require access towards the camera.

How you can Block Camera Access to Apps in Windows 11:

Windows 11 has privacy settings where you can manage which all apps have access towards the camera.

Step 1: Open the Settings panel in Windows 11.

Step 2: Here you will see the option Security and privacy, click on this option.

Step 3: Under the security and privacy, click the camera option.

Step four: Underneath the camera settings, you can switch off access towards the camera for all apps having a single slider. But when you want to prevent camera access for any particular app, you are able to disable it from the app right here.

Once you have set this, only the apps that have access to the camera will be able to let the camera system in Windows 11.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 277
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تاریخ انتشار : چهار شنبه 3 شهريور 1400 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Windows 11 builds are currently available for users in the Windows Insider program enrolled in the Dev and Beta channels, but Microsoft has already warned that Dev users would soon discover early features that aren't necessarily supposed to make their method to the following stable release.

Quite simply, Microsoft wants to use the Dev channel to experiment with new ideas that could or may not debut inside a stable version of Windows at a later time, so the company says anyone interested in sticking with Windows 11, the Beta channel is the best option.

Windows 11 to create its debut later this season

Now in emails shipped to Windows insiders, Microsoft highlights the potential risks of staying with the Dev channel, explaining the builds released within this ring would soon become less stable.

"Based on our data, you've got a PC that is currently configured for flighting Windows 11 Insider Preview Builds within the Dev Channel," Microsoft says in an email to sent to Dev users, based on HTNovo. "We will quickly be flighting early development builds in the Dev channel. These builds may be less stable and won't align with the form of Windows 11 expected to be accessible towards the general public later this season."

"If you would like to experience more reliable Windows 11 Insider Preview builds associated with the upcoming release, please move your device towards the Beta Channel," Microsoft further notes.

Windows 11 is projected to determine the daylight later this season, and according to all of the hints dropped by the organization itself, this is projected to occur in October. Windows 11 may also be offered as a free upgrade to eligible devices, and Microsoft has already confirmed that the first computers would have it this year, using the rollout to then continue into 2022.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 288
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تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 0
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تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 1 شهريور 1400 | نظرات ()