نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Google focusing on bringing dual-boot support to Chromebooks is a project that first made the rounds in 2018 when the company was said to be exploring other operating systems like Linux and Windows because of its own devices.

As the development work advanced, more details reached the web, so we eventually found out that Google was attempting to bring Windows 10 to Chromebooks included in an attempt called Project Campfire.

Although this was an ambitious idea that might have turned Chromebooks into devices fully focused on productivity, something particularly important for that education market where Google is investing aggressively, it appears as though the plan has since been abandoned.

Reddit use crosfrog discovered comments and code removals indicating that Project Campfire is dead permanently, as Google has apparently abandoned the thought of bringing Windows 10 to Chromebooks.

AboutChromebooks writes that the project has likely been abandoned in late 2018, as no progress has been made on Project Campfire since then.

"The storage footprint"

As for the reasons Google no more wants to bring Windows 10 to Chromebooks, it's believed they're pretty much associated with the storage footprint Microsoft's operating-system is wearing a device.

Windows 10 would require at least 40GB of storage on any Chromebook to run smoothly, which makes it impossible for Google to bring the operating system towards the most of devices currently running Chrome OS. Given they run a web-based platform, Chromebooks typically include really low storage, like 32GB or perhaps 16GB for the cheapest models.

Needless to say, we shouldn't expect Google to verify that Project Campfire is dead, mostly because this would be a secret project anyway, therefore the company never acknowledged its existence. But whether or not the Windows 10 dream is dead, Bing is very likely to consider different ways of improving Chrome OS making it a better rival to Windows 10.

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تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 30 ارديبهشت 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Microsoft rolled out security updates to solve as many as 79 vulnerabilities in the software as part of the May 2019 Patch Tuesday cycle.

There are 22 critical flaws this month, out of which at least 18 affect browsers and scripting engines, along with other 4 representing Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerabilities in key products like Remote Desktop and Word.

Among the priorities this month is CVE-2019-0863, that is an elevation of privilege vulnerability in Windows that's already being exploited by attackers.

Microsoft says all supported versions of Windows are affected, including Windows 10, and comes down to the way Windows Error Reporting handles files. The flaw was publicly disclosed and Microsoft says it's conscious of exploits already happening within the wild.

Then, it's CVE-2019-0708, a security vulnerability in Remote Desktop Services that affects older versions of Windows, including Windows XP. You can read much more about this flaw and the emergency update shipped by Microsoft for the impacted Windows releases here.

"Skype for Android also getting a patch"

Microsoft also resolves a publicly disclosed vulnerability in Skype for Android. Detailed in CVE-2019-0932, the flaw allows an attacker to listen to a conversation on Skype without users even knowing.

"To exploit the vulnerability, an assailant would need to call an Android phone with Skype for Android installed that's also combined with a Bluetooth device. The safety update addresses the vulnerability by correcting how Skype for Android answers incoming calls," Microsoft says, adding that exploitation is not as likely. Skype 8.35 is the version affected by the vulnerability.

The list of products being targeted with security updates this month includes Office and Office 365, SharePoint, SQL Server, and .NET Framework.

As always, users are suggested to install these security updates as soon as possible, and also to prioritize the patches targeting flaws already being exploited in the wild.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 459
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تاریخ انتشار : جمعه 27 ارديبهشت 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Canonical announced today that its recently released Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) operating-system has become available being an optimized desktop image in Microsoft's Hyper-V gallery.

Last year in September, Canonical announced it collaborated with Microsoft to bring the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) operating-system, the most recent LTS (Long-term Support) discharge of Ubuntu Linux, as an optimized desktop image for Microsoft's Hyper-V gallery, and now the Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) release can be obtained as well alongside Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

"Today we're very happy to announce that a new 19.04 image joins the LTS version. This will help make life a bit easier for individuals dealing with Ubuntu desktop on Windows," said Will Cooke, Ubuntu Desktop Director at Canonical. "Our plan at this point is to supply the latest LTS and the newest non-LTS release. This way you can choose between the known quantity of the LTS or even the freshest release."

"The advantages of running Ubuntu Linux on Hyper-V"

Running Ubuntu Linux on Hyper-V adds a host of benefits to those who want or need to run Ubuntu virtualized on top of the Windows 10 operating-system. Among these benefits, we can mention dynamic desktop resizing, improved clipboard integration, improved mouse experience to seamlessly move between your guest desktop and host computer, and shared folders.

If you want to try Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) on Hyper-V, you will need to run the latest form of Microsoft's Windows 10 operating-system. Building a virtual machine with Ubuntu 19.04 is really as simple as opening the Hyper V Manager, hitting the "Quick Create" button, and choosing the Ubuntu 19.04 option (see the image below for more details).

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 394
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تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 0
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تاریخ انتشار : سه شنبه 24 ارديبهشت 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

While Google Chrome is the leading browser on both desktop and mobile, Mozilla Firefox remains the runner-up on PCs across the world.

And there's a very good reason with this, as Firefox remains a super-reliable browser that's pretty much the only real option to Chromium, generally, and Google Chrome, particularly.

One of the issues that I've seen people hitting occasionally concerns what can be best referred to as a screen flickering online.

Everybody uses YouTube these days, either frequently or occasionally, therefore it goes without saying the smallest issue wearing down the internet video platform is frustrating, as you would expect.

In the case of Firefox, probably the most common problems is this screen flickering which makes videos online unwatchable.

While it's pretty difficult to determine the reason for the bug, mostly because it could be not the same as one device to a different, oftentimes, it's the recording drivers the ones responsible. And because it often takes too much time before new drivers are published to solve such issues, there's an easy flag in Firefox that may assist you to cope with potential screen flickering online.

First and foremost, it's important to realize that doing this doesn't be certain that the screen flickering is finished, but it's one workaround that's worth trying, that's without a doubt.

Then, because it involves disabling hardware acceleration, you should revert the changes once your video drivers are updated, at least to check if the problems are fixed.

To disable hardware acceleration in Mozilla Firefox, here's what you ought to do.

Launch the browser and ensure that you're running the latest version of Firefox - you should check Softpedia's Firefox page to be sure that your version isn't outdated.

Then, in the address bar in Firefox, type the following command to access the flags screen:


Click yes when prompted because you "understand the risks" of having fun with the more advanced configuration settings of Mozilla Firefox, and then in the search box, search for the next flag:


By default, this option may come enabled (true) in Mozilla Firefox, so toggle it to false to disable it.

You're going to need to reboot Firefox to check on for changes on YouTube, so make sure you save your valuable work prior to doing this. Restart the browser after which check out YouTube to see if the screen flickering still happens.

If it doesn't, then this is pretty much the workaround, and the only thing you can do at this time is to wait for updated drivers out of your manufacturer.

There are more problems that could cause screen flickering in Firefox, and perhaps, they may be associated with the operating-system that you're running.

For instance, when i explained many months ago, Google Chrome users also experienced screen flickering on YouTube as well as on other websites because of Windows Slideshow, a built-in Windows 10 feature that somehow interfered with the settings of the browser. Disabling the automatic color selection on Windows 10 was the workaround if so, so ensure that you check your OS settings when searching for a way to fix the screen flickering.

One way to determine if the problem is related to the browser or not is to see if the screen flickering happens in other applications as well. If you're on Windows 10, you can test loading a YouTube video in Microsoft Edge, which will come pre-installed in the operating system. When the same concern is experienced regardless of the browser, you can try installing a mature version of the graphics drivers.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 403
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تاریخ انتشار : چهار شنبه 18 ارديبهشت 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Microsoft is projected to begin the rollout of the new Windows 10 May 2019 Update, or Windows 10 version 1903, later this month, and also the company offers to embrace a far more cautious method of ensure a smoother release to devices worldwide.

One method to guarantee a flawless upgrade is to announce each block that could prevent devices from installing the May update. And according to Microsoft, there are three of these at this time.

To begin with, Microsoft states that computers with an external USB device or SD storage device plugged in would be blocked from obtaining the new OS version. The simplest way to cope with this is to simply remove these units, with the update then supposed to proceed normally. A fix has already been within the works best for Windows 10 devices, while insiders can give it a try starting with build 18877.

Then, there's that old problem with anti-cheat software that could cause a BSOD. Microsoft says that only "older versions of anti-cheat software" could experience such issues, therefore devices running it wouldn't be permitted to download the May update. The organization, however, doesn't provide any specifics in regards to what anti-cheat apps are causing these errors.

"This block is specific to older versions of anti-cheat software. We're dealing with partners on getting their software updated with a fix, and many games have released patches to avoid PCs from experiencing this problem. To minimize the chance of hitting this block, please make sure you are running the latest form of your games before attempting to update the operating-system," it says.

"Known folders bug"

And last but not least, there's a known glitch affecting devices with redirected known folders. Microsoft states that empty folders are created throughout the update the process, but no data is lost.

"Your Known Folders are redirected if you chose to back up your content to OneDrive using the OneDrive wizard, or you made a decision to keep the content supported throughout the Windows Out-of-box-Experience (OOBE). You may have also redirected your Known Folders manually with the Properties Dialog in File Explorer. This issue does not cause any user files to be deleted and a fix is within progress," it says.

No ETA is available around the fixes announced by Microsoft here, however with the May update currently in the Release Preview ring, more information on their progress should be shared soon.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 391
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تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 16 ارديبهشت 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Domain Name System (DNS) is really a resolver service that can translate friendly domains (Google.com) into IP addresses ( which aren't memorable. Usually, you don't need to bother about this, because your Internet Service Provider (ISP) always provides these settings automatically. However, there are a variety of other the DNS resolvers that faster, reliable, and much more secure, including from CloudFlare, Google, and Cisco.

Although establishing these resolvers on your computer or router is a straightforward process, after changing the DNS settings there's not an obvious way to test when the network traffic is passing with the servers you configured.

If you're switching to CloudFlare, Google Public DNS, or Cisco OpenDNS, you can quickly test your settings in at least three different ways.

In this guide, you'll learn the making sure your network visitors are studying the DNS servers you've previously configured.

How to test out your DNS settings using DNSleaktest.com

Use these steps to quickly find out in case your network visitors are getting routed with the DNS servers you've configured:

Open the dnsleaktest.com website in your browser.

Click on the Standard test button.

Once you've completed the steps, within the result, check the ISP column to determine the name of the DNS service you're currently using.

How to test your DNS settings on Windows 10

If you've previously configured custom DNS settings from CloudFlare, Google Public DNS, or Cisco OpenDNS, you will soon check if the visitors are studying the resolver you've configured while using nslookup tool.

Use these steps to check with the nslookup command if your internet visitors are while using new DNS settings:

Open Start.

Search for Command Prompt and click on the very best lead to open the console.

Type the next command and press Enter:


Underneath the "Default Server field," you'll spot the name of DNS service you're using. The Address field will also indicate the DNS address that your computer is applying.

How to test your DNS settings using Router

In the event you've changed the router settings, the nslookup won't work, because it'll show your router IP address as the DNS server, however it doesn't mean your traffic isn't while using service you've configured.

Begin using these steps to ensure your visitors are routing through the DNS servers you place:

Open your browser.

Sign in to your router portal while using its Ip.
Quick Tip: Should you don't know the address, make use of the nslookup tool in Command Prompt, and the Ip that shows within the result will be the one of the router.

Navigate to the network tools. (Make reference to your router's manual.)

Select the nslookup option as the test method.

Within this guide, I'm while using Asus RT-AC68U router, which is a great router with a slew of features. However, all routers aren't made the same, should you can't find the tool to perform a test, you can still figure out in case your DNS settings are configured correctly using the first method outlined within this guide.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 426
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تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 9 ارديبهشت 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

NVIDIA makes available a new version of its Quadro graphics driver, namely 430.39, which adds support for Windows 10 May 2019 Update and allows merging two portrait monitors into a third landscape monitor.

In addition to that, the 430.39 build also implements additional Desktop color depth choices for 10bpc displays - HDR (64-bit), WCG (64-bit), SDR (30-bit color), and SDR (24-bit color), as well as resolves memory leaks encountered when running Poolmon app using Mosaic mode.

When it comes to compatibility, the current update is suitable for desktop and notebook configurations that are powered by one of Microsoft's Windows 7, 8, 8.1, or 10 platforms, only 64-bit architectures.

Moreover, the producer has additionally provided two addition package suitable for desktop running Windows Server 2008 R2, Server 2012, Server 2012 R2, Server 2016, or Server 2019 operating systems.

With this in mind, if you plan to use this package, simply save correct for the device, run it, wait because the wizard extracts all files required for cellular phone, and follow all instructions displayed for an entire upgrade.

Finally, once completed, it might be a good idea to perform a system reboot to permit all changes to consider effect properly. If the task isn't requested automatically by the wizard, make sure to carry it out manually to avoid any unwanted problems.

In other words, download NVIDIA Quadro Graphics Driver 430.39, put it on the body and relish the changes this latest version brings about. Also, check our website constantly to stay up to speed with the latest releases.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 457
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تاریخ انتشار : پنج شنبه 5 ارديبهشت 1398 | نظرات ()