نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

In case your regular internet broadband is out of commission or acting strangely, you can use mobile internet on Windows 10 PC. All you have to is share mobile data with Windows 10 PC and you are good to go. Let me show you how.

Generally, you can share your mobile data with Windows 10 PC in 2 different ways. The very first technique is to produce a Wi-Fi hotspot and also the second technique is to make use of USB tethering. I will show both methods, make use of the one you're comfortable with.

Note: Depending on your Android version, the below settings might be located in another place. I'm using Android Pie (v9) to show the process.

Use Mobile Data via Wi-Fi Hotspot

Just about all Android versions have a built-in Wi-Fi hotspot functionality using which you'll share your mobile internet with the Windows PC. The best thing is, there aren't any cables necessary to share the mobile internet with Windows 10. Almost all laptops will have built-in Wi-Fi and even if you work with a desktop PC without any built-in Wi-Fi, you can buy a cheap USB Wi-Fi dongle for less than $10.

1. First, open the Settings app and visit the "Network & Internet → Hotspot & Tethering" page.

2. Within this page, tap around the "Wi-Fi hotspot" option.

3. Here, undergo each option and complete the facts as follows.

Hotspot name: The name of your choice. This is the name the thing is whenever you attempt to connect to the hotspot.
Security: Choose WPA2 PSK option.
Hotspot password: Type a strong but easy to remember password.

4. Once you've added every detail, turn on Wi-Fi hotspot by toggling the top-right switch.

5. Now, click on the network icon around the taskbar and you'll call at your Wi-Fi hotspot using the name you choose earlier.

6. Click on the network, go into the Wi-Fi password and click on the "Connect" button.

If everything goes properly, you should have a web connection. If you're not able to access the web, make sure that the mobile data is switched on and you've got a valid mobile data plan.

Use Mobile Internet on Windows via USB Tethering

If you're on a desktop without any Wi-Fi module/dongle, you can use the USB tethering choice to share mobile data with Windows 10 PC. Before getting started, install Google USB driver or OEM specific USB drivers. This allows you to create USB tethering.

1. First, connect your Android phone via USB cable to the web.

2. Next, open the Settings app, visit "Network & Internet → Hotspot & Tethering" page.

3. Here, toggle the switch next to "USB Tethering".

If you have installed proper drivers and also have a working mobile internet plan, you should be able to connect to the web.

That is all. It's that simple to make use of mobile internet on Windows 10. Though using mobile Wi-Fi hotspot to share the web is pretty nifty, I suggest you make use of an Android VPN app to secure your internet connection. In the event you don't know, a VPN connection will encrypt your internet connection and protects you against snooping in public areas.

If you're concerned about consuming all the mobile data with Windows updates, turn on metered connection option in Windows 10 on this particular network and you will be good.

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تاریخ انتشار : چهار شنبه 30 بهمن 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

When there is something that is special about Windows 10 then that is the Cortana integration. Cortana is the digital assistant that may perform a lot of things. If you don't like Cortana or otherwise while using digital assistant feature, it is simple to disable Cortana permanently on Windows 10 from Group Policy Editor.

When I say Cortana can perform several things, I'm talking about basic items like creating reminders, settings up alarms, helping you with definitions, spellings, and conversations, etc. As you can guess, Cortana has a long distance to visit prior to it being really useful. I am talking about, you cannot use Cortana to shutdown or schedule Windows shutdown, you cannot ask Cortana to spread out a file or program, cannot uninstall programs using Cortana, etc. Add to all this, Cortana collects a lot of data about you. Even Microsoft knows this and separating Windows search and Cortana.

If you are much like me and never using Cortana all that much or whatsoever, you can easily disable Cortana completely with just several clicks. Allow me to show you how.

Disable Cortana Permanently

There are two methods to disable Cortana permanently. The very first method follows the audience policy editor and the second method follows the registry editor. If you're Windows 10 Pro or Windows 10 Enterprise user, stick to the group policy editor. Home users can stick to the registry editor method.

Prior to making any changes to your system, it is better to create a system restore point on Windows 10. The restore point will help you restore your system to the know good state.

Method 1: Disable Cortana Directly from Group Policy

Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise users have access to group policy editor that makes it really simple to show off Cortana permanently with only a few clicks. All you need to do is find the policy and disable it. It is very easy to do, just stick to the below steps.

Open the beginning menu.
Search for "gpedit.msc" and open Group Policy Editor.
Go to "Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Search".
On the right pane, find and open "Allow Cortana" policy.
Select "Disabled" radio option within the policy settings window.
Click "Apply".
Click "Ok".
Restart Windows.

That is, you've disabled Cortana permanently fitted 10 system. If you want to enable Cortana back again, just select "Enabled" or "Not configured" in step 5 and save changes.

Method 2: Turn Off Cortana Permanently from Registry Editor

Home edition users do not have access to group policy editor. So, as an alternative, you should use the registry editor to disable Cortana permanently on Windows 10. Although it isn't very difficult to follow along with the registry method, produce a registry backup prior to making any changes simply to be safe and sound.

2.1 Registry shortcut to disable Cortana (simple and easy , automatic method):

To make life easier for you, I've created a registry shortcut which you'll download and execute to disable Cortana. The good thing is, the reg file will automatically create and configure the required keys and values automatically. Curious users can open the .reg file with Notepad to determine what keys and values we are creating.

Note: If you're not comfortable with downloading files, follow the manual method shown below.

Download disable Cortana reg file, open the zip file and extract .reg file towards the desktop. Double-click on the "DisableCortana.reg" file. When warned or prompted click on the "Yes" buttons to merge the registry settings.

That is it. Restart your system and Cortana will be disabled completely. If you wish to enable Cortana, download enable Cortana reg file and stick to the above steps.

2.2 Manual method:

Open the start menu.
Search for "regedit" and open registry editor.
Go to "Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows".
Right-click around the "Windows" key on the left pane and select "New -> Key".
Name the brand new key as "Windows Search"
Select the newly created Windows Search key on the left pane.
On the best pane, right-click and select "New -> DWORD (32-bit) Value".
Name the value as "AllowCortana".
Double-click on the AllowCortana value.
Set value data to "0".
Click "Ok" in order to save changes.

That's it.

Restart your system and Windows 10 will automatically disable Cortana permanently. If you wish to enable Cortana later on, set the worth data to "1" in step 10 or delete the AllowCortana value from the registry.


As you can tell, it is rather simple to disable Cortana permanently on Windows 10. If you're still seeing the Cortana icon around the taskbar, right-click around the taskbar and select "Cortana -> Hidden".

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 342
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تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 28 بهمن 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Almost every keyboard has keys that we don't use or often even damaged. If that's the case, adopt these measures to remap keyboard keys in Windows 10.

Generally, most keyboards have several unused keys like the majority of function keys, insert, page down, page up, end, pause/break, end, home, scroll lock, properties key, etc. When you're not using a key in your keyboard, why don't you reassign it to something else. For instance, I remapped function secrets of launch programs that I use frequently.

This is also true for damaged keys. You are able to reassign another unused answer to function as damaged key.

So, without further ado, allow me to demonstrate how to remap keys in Windows.

Remap Unused or Damaged Keys

Windows doesn't have built-in way to remap keys. So, we will use a easy and free software called AutoHotKey. Download the software in the official website, install it like every other software and proceed to the next steps.

1. First, right-click on the desktop and select "New → Text Document". Now, rename the text document to anything you want. Just make sure that you simply replace .txt extension with .ahk. For example, I renamed the file to reassign.ahk.

2. After creating and renaming the file, right-click on it and choose "Edit". This action will open the file in your default code or text editor. Generally, it's Notepad.

3. To remap a key using AutoHotKey, all you have to is make use of the below syntax. With the below code, the a key will act like it is b key. So, when you press the a key, it'll print b.

;Remap one place to another

For instance, I personally use a ten keyless keyboard that has no dedicated Print Screen key. However for some reason, her Insert key. Since I regularly make use of the Print Screen key to take screenshots, I remapped the Insert key to behave like paper Screen using the below code.

;Remap Insert key to PrintScreen

Using the same format, you are able to remap or reassign almost any key on your keyboard as long as you know the AutoHotKey names of the keys you are attempting to remap. Thankfully, AutoHotKey has a dedicated key list page that lists all of the keys. Check out it.

4. Now, save the file and close it.

5. To operate the script, double-click onto it. That's it. The file will sit silently within the taskbar and functions because it should.

Wrapping Up

That is all. It is that easy to reassign keys in Windows. To get most out of the script, add AutoHotKey script to Windows startup. This way, it's not necessary to launch the script manually for that remappings to work.

Additionally, there is also a dedicated doc page that lists different combinations in great detail. Do check it out.

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تاریخ انتشار : جمعه 25 بهمن 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Windows 10 includes a built-in bandwidth monitoring tool that allows you to see how much data you've used in the last Thirty days. Follow these steps to visit your bandwidth usage in Windows 10.

Windows 10 tracks just how much network data you use on a per-network basis. This is pretty useful to track your computer data usage during the last Thirty days. Though not as feature-rich as third-party applications, the tool is pretty proficient at showing which apps are consuming the most data. This selection is particularly useful if you are using mobile data in Windows 10.

Without further ado, let me show the best way to view your network data usage in Windows 10 with just a few clicks.

View Network Data Usage

Like I said before, bandwidth monitoring is a built-in tool in Windows 10. Actually, it's integrated into the PC Settings app. You just need to know where you can consider when searching for to see the bandwidth usage data. Here's how.

1. First, open laptop computer Settings app by pressing the Win + E keyboard shortcut. You may also look for it in the start menu or click on the "All Settings" button in the Action Center.

2. In the Settings app, go to "Network" and click on the "Data Usage" tab appearing on the left panel.

3. Around the right panel, you will see your network connections. Right next to the network connection name, you will notice the network usage data for the last Thirty days. In my case, I've used 300GB around the Wi-Fi network and around 3GB on the Ethernet.

Note: Unfortunately, as of now it's impossible to pick a specific length of time or dates to filter and check bandwidth consumption.

4. You may also see data usage per application too. Simply click around the "View usage per app" link appearing underneath the network connections.

5. In this page, select the network you want to begin to see the using and Windows will automatically list all of the applications and their data usage within the decending order.

If you are on the Wi-Fi network, you can also filter the statistics based on all Wi-Fi networks you have ever linked to or around the specific network you are currently linked to. Should you consider the below image, the data are only concerned with the present Wi-Fi network I'm linked to. To determine all the networks data usage, select "All Networks" from the drop-down menu.

Wrapping Up

That's all. It is that simple to trace just how much data you use on Windows 10. If you are on a mobile data and concerned about exceeding the daily or monthly limit, I recommend you enable the metered connection setting on that specific network. Once enabled, you won't just see data usage statistics in line with the limit but Windows also alerts when are near or exceeded the set limit.

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تاریخ انتشار : چهار شنبه 23 بهمن 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

When the trash can is disappeared or maybe you've hidden it intentionally, follow these steps to restore recycle bin icon in Windows 10.

Recently, I've written a quick guide how you can remove or hide trash can on the desktop in Windows 10. Hiding the trash can icon is pretty helpful when you want to keep your desktop minimal, clean, and distraction-free.

If you can continue to access hidden recycle bin in various methods, there might be times when you have to restore recycle bin icon on Windows 10. It is not hard, however, it may be confusing if you have never tried it. This is especially true if you forgot the procedure.

So, without further ado, allow me to show you how you can unhide recycle bin icon in Windows 10 in easy steps.

Steps to revive Trash can Icon

To restore the icon, all you have to do is pick a checkbox and you're simply all set. It is simply you need to know how to locate the choice to do so. Follow the steps and you will be good.

1. First, open the PC Settings app by looking it up in the start menu or by hitting the "All Settings" button within the Notification center. Alternatively, you may also press the Win + I keyboard shortcut.

2. In the Settings app, go to "Personalize" page. This is where you will find various options to customize various things fitted 10 system.

3. Within the Personalize page, go to the "Themes" tab appearing around the left panel. On the right-panel, click on the "Desktop icon settings" link.

4. The above action will open the icon settings window. Here, select the "Recycle Bin" checkbox and then click the "Apply" and "Ok" buttons in order to save changes.

That's all. The changes are instantaneous. You need to begin to see the trash can icon around the desktop. Generally, it will likely be placed towards the leftmost side of the screen.

That's all. It is that easy to unhide trash can icon in Windows 10.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 249
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تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 21 بهمن 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

An en-masse migration from Windows 7 with other operating systems happens to be arrived following the 2009 release reached the end of support on January 14, and unsurprisingly, most users choose Windows 10 as their next destination.

Given Windows 7 is the last "traditional" Windows version, many users switching to Windows 10 aren't necessarily big on the modern experience, especially given the introduction of new features such as the Microsoft Store, Cortana, and modern apps.

But simultaneously, Microsoft has tried to keep the desktop experience as familiar as you possibly can, with the Start menu fundamentally of all things.

Needless to say, the Start menu is one of the most widely used Windows features, which makes total sense given it's been around for so many years.

In 2012, Microsoft designed a bold move and removed both Start menu and the Start button from Windows 8, instead offering a Start screen which many believed was more optimized for touch devices. After public backlash, Microsoft further refined this method, therefore the release of Windows 8.1 brought back the beginning button, but again pointing users towards the Start screen.

The beginning menu eventually returned with third-party apps, with Microsoft finally bringing it back entirely included in Windows 10.

But the Start menu in Windows 10 includes several modern tweaks, including live tiles and new options which help it serve its purpose better.

So could you live with a Start menu in Windows 10?

The simple response is yes. The more complex version, however, is that everything depends upon how you make use of your computer.

The Start menu is definitely the feature that people experience a regular basis, but on the other hand, it's not really a critical feature that you simply can't do without. For instance, most of the apps which i use everyday are already pinned towards the taskbar, and I launch tools like the Registry Editor or the Group Policy Editor using the Windows run dialog. Using quick commands to produce these apps is extremely convenient, and the Start menu obviously isn't required.

The beginning menu remains an essential feature for novices who would like to click everything. For instance, my grandpa barely uses the laptop keyboard to produce an application, and he just clicks through all things in Windows 10 to achieve an application. So for example, the lack of a Control Panel shortcut in the Start menu makes the event pretty confusing for such users.

Microsoft is considered to become considering a number of improvements for that Start menu, including an approach that reminds more of the version bundled with Windows 10X. The operating-system that's targeted at dual-screen and foldable devices includes a modern Start menu without live tiles, and individuals familiar with the problem said recently that the live tiles themselves might be pulled all Windows 10 versions as well.

The explanation for this decision is likely the reduced using live tiles, as people don't use them nowadays as much as they did a couple of years ago.

Windows 10 without a Start menu would only bring about a simplified desktop, but at the same time, it would also make things a bit more confusing for novices. But after the day, there's no doubt you can survive without them, albeit moving forward, it doesn't really make sense for Microsoft to kill it off. A simplified version, however, could be the right choice, particularly if it can make navigation much faster.

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تاریخ انتشار : پنج شنبه 17 بهمن 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Having a simple trick, you can force the taskbar in Windows 10 to show seconds in the clock. Follow the steps below to do so.

Generally, the seconds within the taskbar clock aren't shown. However, should you click on the clock, you will see the seconds appear over the calendar. Regardless of how you attempt to configure the taskbar clock within the Time and date tool in windows, you just cannot result in the taskbar show the seconds in its default system clock. Windows will just ignore your settings.

One of the main causes of this behavior is that in the old days (the 90s), showing seconds within the taskbar clock is resource-intensive. However, the computers now are much more powerful and the performance impact is nothing to nothing.

The good thing is, with a simple registry tweak, you may make the taskbar show seconds within the clock. Let me show you how.

Though I'm demonstrating this in Windows 10, the technique shown below works on Windows 7 and Windows 8 too.

Show Seconds in Taskbar Clock

To make things easier, I'll show two methods to display seconds in the system clock.

The first technique is automatic. i.e, you can easily download the .reg file and let seconds within the taskbar clock. On the other hand, if you don't mind editing the registry manually, stick to the second method.

Automatic Method with .reg File

This is actually the easiest way if you don't like editing the registry manually.

1. First, download this zip file and extract the contents inside it towards the desktop.

2. To show the seconds, double-click on the "show seconds in taskbar clock.reg" file.

3. You will see an alert message, click the "Yes" button.

4. Now, restart the Windows and you should begin to see the seconds within the system clock around the taskbar.

Should you ever want to hide or remove the seconds from the system clock, simply double-click on the "hide seconds in taskbar clock.reg" file and you're simply good to go.

Manual Method (Edit Registry Yourself)

If you're a bit more adventures, you are able to manually edit the registry yourself. Just be sure that you can good backup so that you can restore the registry in case of any mishaps.

1. First, open the beginning menu, search for "Registry Editor" and click on the end result to open the Registry Editor.

2. In the registry editor, copy the below path, paste it in the address bar and press Enter. You will be instantly taken to the folder where we need to create new value.


3. Right-click on the empty space on the right-panel and choose "New → DWORD (32-bit) Value" option.

4. Name the new value as "ShowSecondsInSystemClock" and press Enter to confirm the name.

5. Now, double-click around the new value. In the Edit Value window, type "1" in the Value Data field and click on the "Ok" button to save changes.

6. Finally, reboot Windows and you'll begin to see the seconds in the taskbar clock.

If you ever want to rever back, you may either delete the "ShowSecondsInSystemClock" value or change its Value Data to "0".

That's all. It is that simple to help make the taskbar clock show seconds in Windows 10.

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تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 14 بهمن 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

If you wish to further customize the feel and look of the Minecraft world, you are able to install resource pack in Minecraft Windows 10 Edition. Stick to the below steps to understand how you can get it done.

Though many think Minecraft Windows 10 Edition is much more limited compared to good old Java Edition, you may still do a lot of things. One of those things is the ability to install resource packs like skins and textures. In fact, there are several awesome global resource packs that completely change the feel and look from the Minecraft world.

So, without further ado, let me show the best way to use a resource pack in Minecraft Windows 10 Edition.

Steps to Install and Activate Resource Packs in Minecraft Windows 10 Edition

Note: With this guide, I'm showing how you can install the worldwide Resource pack.

Though all most all resource packs in Minecraft's official marketplace are paid versions, there are several websites that let you download all sorts of resource packs free of charge. After downloading, you have to manually install them to use the resource pack in Minecraft.

I've already downloaded my favorite Dokucraft resource pack. So, should you didn't curently have your preferred resource pack downloaded, download it after which proceed to the next steps.

1. The downloaded Minecraft resource packs for Windows 10 Edition will have .mcpack extension. Double-click around the resource pack.

2. As soon as you double-click on the resource pack, Minecraft will open itself and begins to import the pack.

3. With respect to the pack and it is size, it can take a matter of seconds to finish the importing process. Once done, you will notice the "Successfully Imported" message.

4. Even though you've imported the resource pack, it's not yet set. To achieve that, click the "Settings" button and then select the "Global Resources" option.

5. On the right panel, click on the newly added pack after which click on the "Add" button.

That's it. Launch the game you will notice the world inside a new light.

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تاریخ انتشار : چهار شنبه 9 بهمن 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

If and when needed, use a simple command to run File Explorer from the task manager. Stick to the below steps to understand how.

Being probably the most used and useful tools of Windows, File Explorer has lots of new ways to open it up. Actually, from the top of my head, I can think of ten different ways to run File Explorer. Each one of these various ways allow you to open File Explorer not matter where you are or your work.

One of those ways lets you open File Explorer from the job manager. All you need to do operates a single command and also the File Explorer will open instantly. This trick is especially helpful whenever your desktop isn't responding however, you have to access some sort of program to repair the problem.

So, without further ado, allow me to show how you can run File Explorer from the task manager in Windows.

Though I'm showing the procedure in Windows 10, the same steps can be replicated in Windows 7 and Windows 8. After all, basic commands and programs don't change that much in Windows.

Steps to spread out or Run File Explorer from Task Manager

To open File Explorer while using task manager, we will use the "Run new task" feature built into it. As possible guess from the name itself, this method will let you create or run new tasks with Run commands from the task manager. Though sounds complicated, it's pretty easy to do.

1. First, open the job manager by right-clicking on the taskbar deciding on the "Task Manager" option.

In case your system is frozen or not responding and never able to use the right-click method then press Ctrl + Shift + Escape keyboard shortcut. This action will open the job manager.

2. Within the task manager, click the "File → Run new task" option appearing on the top navigation bar.

3. The above action will open the new task window. In the blank field, type "explorer" and press Enter or click the "Ok" button.

That is it. Once you press the Enter button, File Explorer will open instantly.

Wrapping Up

As you can tell, it is pretty simple to run File Explorer from task manager in Windows 10, 7 or 8.

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تاریخ انتشار : جمعه 4 بهمن 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Along with the already present shortcuts, you can include your personal shortcut to the Win + X menu. Let me show you how.

In Windows 8, Microsoft introduced a brand new menu for ease of use. The said menu is called the ability User Menu or even the Quick Links menu. It may be launched by pressing Win + X keyboard shortcut or by right-clicking on the start menu. Automatically, the menu is divided into three groups starting at the end. Each group houses some much-needed shortcuts. Some of them include but not limited to the job Manager, Power Options, Apps & Features, PowerShell, Device Manager, System, etc.

Other than the included shortcuts, you can add your own items to the Win + X menu. For example, if there is a program that you access frequently, you can add it towards the power user menu to launch it quickly. Actually, you can even create a custom group for your own personel shortcuts or remove the already established shortcuts.

So, without further ado, let me show the best way to add custom shortcuts to the Win + X power user menu.

Edit or Add Custom Shortcut to Win + X Menu

To add a custom shortcut towards the Win + X menu, you cannot simply produce a shortcut in the appropriate folder. That is because recption menus requires a hash link for each shortcut. So, to create things easier, we will make use of a free third-party program called Win + X Menu Editor.

1. First, download the software and extract the contents of the ZIP file to a folder on your desktop. Next, open the extracted folder and double-click on the .exe file.

2. The above action will open the application. As mentioned before, the Win + X menu is split into three groups. You can see those groups in the main window.

3. To include a brand new shortcut item, first, choose the Group folder after which click on the "Add a program" option on the top navigation bar. With my case, I want to give a shortcut towards the Group3 folder. So, I decided that folder.

4. The above action will open the applying picker window. Discover the .exe file of the favorite application and click on the "Open" button.

5. Type a reputation for that shortcut and click on the "Ok" button.

6. After adding the shortcut, you need to restart Explorer to apply the changes. Click on the "Restart Explorer" button at the bottom right corner.

That's it. You've successfully added a new shortcut to the Win + X menu. If you now open the power user menu, you will notice the new shortcut. Following a same procedure, you can include as many shortcuts as you would like.

Additionally, you may also create custom groups too. To do that, click on the "Create a group" option on top navigation bar.

Remove Shortcut from Win + X Menu

Just like you can add shortcuts towards the Win + X menu, you can take them off too. To do that, simply select the shortcut or group you want to delete and click on the "Remove" button.

That's it.


As you can see, it is pretty simple to edit Win + X menu in Windows and add your own shortcuts or item.

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تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 0
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تاریخ انتشار : چهار شنبه 2 بهمن 1398 | نظرات ()