نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

The Chromium-powered Microsoft Edge is the new popular trend in browsers, and even though it's still a piece happening, lots of people already utilize it to replace Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Running on a single engine as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge includes several changes versus the original form of the browser currently offered as default on Windows 10.

One of them is support for extensions, which in turns results in a number of other benefits that Windows 10 users, in particular, are going to love.

The best example is dependant on support for Windows Timeline.

Integrated in Windows 10, Timeline is really a feature that makes it easy to create snapshots of apps, documents, and websites and then restore them at a later time on your computer over the following Thirty days.

Timeline supports more than just Windows 10, and thanks to the updates that Microsoft sent to its Android apps, now you can sync websites with a mobile device as well.

Previously, Timeline was restricted to the original version of Microsoft Edge in Windows 10, but this past year, the software giant rolled out a browser add-on to allow it for Google Chrome too.

Delivered being an extension, this tool made it possible to possess Chrome websites included in the snapshots created with Windows Timeline, which technically means that users no longer need to stick to Edge for browsing the web. This is excellent news, especially on mobile where Google Chrome is the preferred option for many more users and is also the default Android browser.

Now that Microsoft is building a new browser, there's without doubt that whenever the updated Edge is ready, the organization would also offer Timeline integration automatically.

In other words, the current Edge could be substituted for its Chromium-based sibling, so websites loaded in this new browser would be contained in the synced activities in Timeline by default.

At this time, however, you can only do this while using aforementioned Chrome extension. Again, this really is one of the major benefits of Microsoft Edge migrating to the Chromium engine.

Called Web Activities, the Chrome extension was created by Microsoft for Google's browser, but it works like a charm using the new Edge too.

Much like in the case of Google Chrome, you have to sign in with your Microsoft account, and ensure you use the same account as in Microsoft Edge and Windows 10. If you want the data to be synced by having an Android device, you have to make use of the same account in your mobile phone too.

Keep in mind, however, that Microsoft Edge is still in the early days right now, so not everything might work exactly as expected, especially if you are running the Canary build.

Needless to say, this feature is only aimed at Windows 10 users, not just since the Edge preview happens to be offered to this operating system exclusively, but additionally because Timeline is part of Windows 10.

Support for Timeline is going to be offered in Microsoft Edge natively when the browser reaches the final development stage. The browser will also become the new default in Windows 10, so it makes sense for Microsoft to offer such features.

There's no ETA at this time concerning the launch date from the new browser, but Microsoft clearly takes its time to finalize the application. A beta build often see daylight when the the following month in the Build developer conference, as the stable sibling is expected later this season. Versions for macOS and older Windows releases should be published in the coming months too.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 444
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تاریخ انتشار : جمعه 30 فروردين 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

The latest form of the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge Canary comes with support for more search engines like google, including Google.

The original version of the browser could only be configured to make use of Bing as the default internet search engine.

The most recent update to version still labels Bing because the "recommended" choice, but rather also allows users to switch to Yahoo, Google, and DuckDuckGo, as discovered by TechDows.

To alter google within the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge, you need to launch the browser and visit Settings > Privacy and services > Address bar > Search engine used in the address bar.

As with Google Chrome, users may also configure their very own custom search engine in the new Microsoft Edge, and you may check out this article to understand how to get it done. Which means that even though Google wasn't officially supported in the previous versions of Microsoft Edge, it had been still possible to set it up.

"Only a Canary update for now"

This change is just available in the Canary version of Microsoft Edge, which receives updates every single day and it is only recommended for testing purposes. The Dev build, which is updated weekly, hasn't yet received the change, but a brand new version should land any day now.

Microsoft hasn't yet published beta and stable builds of their new Edge browser, and they're expected later this year as additional features are now being added. Without a doubt, the stable version of Microsoft Edge will feature support for Google search too.

The present builds of Microsoft Edge browser only focus on Windows 10, albeit they can be also placed on Windows 7. However, Microsoft doesn't officially support older Windows versions. A macOS version of the new Edge browser also needs to go live sometime soon, but details on the ETA aren't available at this time.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 418
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تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 0
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تاریخ انتشار : چهار شنبه 28 فروردين 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Two-factor authentication (or two-step verification) is a security feature that absolutely each and every one people should use regardless of the service we want to protect.

And since Google accounts in many cases are targeted by hackers who wish to steal users' credentials, the search giant has developed several techniques to safeguard user data, including multiple ways to prevent malicious sign-in attempts as well as the standard password.

As numerous people have no doubt about, physical security keys are pretty much the easiest method to protect accounts and, simultaneously, minimal prone to get hacked.

But because getting and taking advantage of a security key isn't truly the most convenient thing to do for consumers, Google embraced another approach and is now allowing users to convert their Android phone to such devices.

Quite simply, any Android phone should now be able to double as a security key, technically allowing users to allow or reject a sign-in attempt into their accounts.

Google says this option is specifically recommended for individuals the Advanced Protection Program, for example "journalists, activists, business leaders and political campaign teams who are most at risk of targeted online attacks."

However, anyone can use it, as the new feature supports for personal Google accounts and Google Cloud accounts at work.

There are several requirements to have an Android phone to play the function of the security key:
The device must be running Android 7.0 or newer
The account must use two-step verification
The PC must support Bluetooth and also the feature should be turned on
The PC should be running Windows 10, Chrome OS, or macOS
Location must be enabled
Google Chrome must be used for logging in

"How to set up the security key"

Because Android phones come with a security key built in, all you need to do is configure your Google account to use the smartphone for two-factor authentication.

First and foremost, ensure your phone is configured with your Google account that you would like to safeguard, and let two-step verification.

Next, on your PC running any of the operating systems mentioned above you have to sign in to your Google account. Select the Add security key option within the account settings in the following location:

Google account > Security > 2-Step Verification > Security Key > Add Security Key

Once you click this method, you have to choose the device that you want to double as a burglar key, and this is how you get to configure exactly the same Google account with an Android phone. When the account isn't configured on this device, you won't see it in the listing of phones that may be configured as security keys.

When you're completed with this configuration screen, you need to visit a message reading:

"Security key added. Your [phone name] security key was put into your bank account. When you sign in with 2-Step Verification, you will employ passwords as well as your [phone name]."

Next time you attempt to sign in to your account and your Android phone meets these requirement, you'll be requested to approve the attempt in your mobile phone. Once you approve the sign-in, you should be able to log in and access your bank account.

You can always change your settings, remove devices or add new ones to be used as security keys using the steps detailed above. Don't forget that the device should be Bluetooth-capable, otherwise the login authorization request won't be sent to your phone. Google hasn't revealed why exactly Bluetooth is required, however it must be turned on alongside with the location services on Android.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 384
امتیاز مطلب : 0
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 0
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تاریخ انتشار : سه شنبه 27 فروردين 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

The Chromium-based Microsoft Edge browser is now available for download in Dev and Canary builds, and since it run on exactly the same engine as Google Chrome, it arrives with a number of features produced by Google itself.

But despite embracing Chromium, Microsoft doesn't want to let all Chrome services featuring run as part of its browser, so the company blocked a lot more than 50 of them within the browser.

A full list of features that Microsoft replaced or switched off will come in the slide included in the article, but worth highlighting is Google Play support, push notifications, the spellcheck (incidentally, Microsoft Edge doesn't currently offer spellchecking), Android app password hint, Google DNS, Google Cloud Storage, and several services related to Chrome OS.

"Cross-platform support"

Microsoft says its collaboration with Google worked neatly, so that as a part of its original plan to improve Chromium, it added at least 275 commits towards the project since joining it in December.

"We have a great deal to learn once we increase our use of and contributions to Chromium, but we have received great support from Chromium engineers in assisting us get involved with this project, and we're pleased to have landed some modest but meaningful contributions already. Our plan's to carry on working in Chromium rather than creating a parallel project, to prevent any chance of fragmenting the city," the Microsoft Edge team explained.

The brand new Chromium-based Microsoft Edge will support Windows 10 and former Windows versions like Windows 7, as well as macOS. A Linux version hasn't been confirmed at this time, but given that Chromium itself is a cross-platform project, this type of release isn't necessarily from the table.

For the time being, however, the preview form of Edge only runs on Windows 10, but Microsoft says the woking platform support could be further expanded within the coming months.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 417
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تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 0
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تاریخ انتشار : یک شنبه 25 فروردين 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Google has just released a new minor update for Chrome 73 because the company is preparing for another major update later this month.

With today's update, Google Chrome reaches version 73.0.3683.103 on all supported desktop platforms, including here Windows, Linux, and macOS. You are able to download the new version while using links below.

Needless to say, case a minor update that doesn't bring any new features, and you can look into the full changelog here.

An important issue the browser update doesn't seem to fix, however, is really a screen flickering bug happening on Windows 10. When i explained here, Google Chrome sometimes flickers on the quantity of Windows 10 devices, and also the search giant itself recommended users to disable two Windows 10 customization settings.

Since a workaround already exists, Google is very likely to incorporate a fix in a Chrome update shortly, though an ETA isn't available today.

"Google Chrome 74 coming later this month"

Today's release is extremely likely the final update for Google Chrome 73, as the clients are gearing up for an additional major launch later this month.

Google Chrome 74 is projected to produce on April 23, and it'll be available on all supported platforms, including cellular devices.

Meanwhile, the number of Chromium-based browsers is increasing with the help of Microsoft Edge, which is also migrating from EdgeHTML to the same engine behind Google Chrome. Microsoft is projected to release a preview build of the new browser within the coming weeks, as the stable form of the new Edge should go live in Windows 10 but for the other supported platforms, including Linux and macOS, later this year.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 441
امتیاز مطلب : 0
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 0
مجموع امتیاز : 0
تاریخ انتشار : سه شنبه 20 فروردين 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Google has just released a new minor update for Chrome 73 because the company is preparing for another major update later this month.

With today's update, Google Chrome reaches version 73.0.3683.103 on all supported desktop platforms, including here Windows, Linux, and macOS. You are able to download the new version while using links below.

Needless to say, case a minor update that doesn't bring any new features, and you can look into the full changelog here.

An important issue the browser update doesn't seem to fix, however, is really a screen flickering bug happening on Windows 10. When i explained here, Google Chrome sometimes flickers on the quantity of Windows 10 devices, and also the search giant itself recommended users to disable two Windows 10 customization settings.

Since a workaround already exists, Google is very likely to incorporate a fix in a Chrome update shortly, though an ETA isn't available today.

"Google Chrome 74 coming later this month"

Today's release is extremely likely the final update for Google Chrome 73, as the clients are gearing up for an additional major launch later this month.

Google Chrome 74 is projected to produce on April 23, and it'll be available on all supported platforms, including cellular devices.

Meanwhile, the number of Chromium-based browsers is increasing with the help of Microsoft Edge, which is also migrating from EdgeHTML to the same engine behind Google Chrome. Microsoft is projected to release a preview build of the new browser within the coming weeks, as the stable form of the new Edge should go live in Windows 10 but for the other supported platforms, including Linux and macOS, later this year.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 428
امتیاز مطلب : 0
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 0
مجموع امتیاز : 0
تاریخ انتشار : سه شنبه 20 فروردين 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

AMD has announced the supply of a latest version of its Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition Graphics driver, namely the 19.4.1 ( package, which improves Radeon VII and RX Vega stability when three or more displays are connected and enabled at the same time.

Moreover, the current release fixes Wow intermittent crashes and hangs when MSAA is enabled, as well as graphical corruptions encountered when the game settings are set to minimum (Radeon RX Vega GPUs).

Moreover, build 19.4.1 also resolves certain mouse cursor issues, Radeon WattMan auto overclock problems, Vari-Bright settings, and other bugs as highlighted within the Release Notes below.

However, AMD's release might still notice a few issues with Radeon VII cards, Netflix Windows Store app, Radeon WattMan gauges, and gratifaction metrics overlay.

When it comes to compatibility, besides a supported GPU, take into account that your configuration must be managing a 64-bit variant of Microsoft's Windows 7 or Windows 10 operating systems (Windows 8.1 is no longer supported),

Therefore, remove any previous version present on your computer, save and run the right package for the system, wait for all files required to be made available, and follow all instructions displayed on the screen for an entire upgrade.

With this thought, should you consider employing this release, download AMD Radeon Adrenalin Edition Graphics Driver 19.4.1, do the installation and perform a reboot once finished. Also, return with us to stay "updated about a minute ago."

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 395
امتیاز مطلب : 0
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 0
مجموع امتیاز : 0
تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 19 فروردين 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Despite to be the world's number one desktop browser for some time, Ie has not been everyone's favorite browser, and the massive improvements that Google and Mozilla released for Chrome and Firefox provided users with alternatives that many embraced.

Microsoft introduced Edge browser with much fanfare in Windows 10, promising a really powerful rival towards the likes of Chrome and Firefox.

Eventually, Edge turned out to be just another failed experiment, and regardless of the pretty much significant improvements released as part of new Windows 10 feature updates, the new browser eventually didn't make a difference.

So at the end of 2018, Microsoft announced another major change in this regard, as it decided to migrate Microsoft Edge from the EdgeHTML engine to Chromium. This is actually the same engine that powers Google Chrome and a number of other browsers like Vivaldi.

Initially, switching to Chromium is viewed by many as living proof that Microsoft can't succeed in the browser market on its own. But after trying out the unofficial preview build of Edge browser, it becomes more obvious that Microsoft Edge can finally be a leading browser on the desktop and mobile.

"All Google Chrome features"

First and foremost, because it's based on Chromium, Microsoft Edge technically has all the features of Google Chrome, and Microsoft can provide its own touches to each update to specifically tailor it to match its own users list.

Quite simply, Microsoft Edge would no more lag behind rivals when it comes to features, and long-time Windows users certainly understand how important this is.

Google Chrome happens to be the key browser worldwide, and there's a good reason with this. The feature lineup plays a key role within the overall feature package, and today Microsoft Edge can score big in connection with this as well.

"Finally available cross-platform"

The Chromium engine also allows Microsoft to release Advantage on more platforms than just Windows 10.

This means the organization can significantly boost the quantity of users running its browser, as Edge would offer support for Windows 10, Windows 8.1, and Windows 7, but also for macOS and Linux.

Windows 10 and Windows 7 are presently the world's most popular desktop operating systems, and regardless of the latter reaching the end of support in January next year, it's still a widely-used platform around the globe. So there's without doubt that by making Edge on Windows 7, Microsoft not only that wins more users, but it can also convince some to upgrade to Windows 10 and enjoy the benefits of native integration.

Much like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge can also be available on mobile, and Microsoft releases updates for Android and iOS versions on a regular basis.

"The world's largest distribution platform"

One of the biggest advantages over Google Chrome is that Microsoft Edge would take advantage of the largest distribution platform around the desktop.

It's Windows itself, and Microsoft not just that will offer you Edge because the default Windows 10 browser, but it'll also encourage users running older versions from the OS to replace Ie (or other browsers) using its new app.

Windows 10 has end up being the number 1 desktop operating system after it were able to overtake Windows 7 some time ago, and the target for Microsoft is to take it to 1 billion devices worldwide. What this means is Microsoft Edge would come pre-installed on 1 billion devices, even though not everybody would stick to it, the chance to target this type of large audience is big.

Microsoft is projected to produce the new Edge browser later this year, but a preview build is going live every day now. An unofficial Microsoft Edge version is already up for grabs if you want to try it out.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 431
امتیاز مطلب : 0
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 0
مجموع امتیاز : 0
تاریخ انتشار : سه شنبه 13 فروردين 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

Forgot the password to login Windows XP Professional computer? You may get the message: "Did you forget passwords?" whenever you key in an incorrect password and attempt to enter into system.

How to bypass the Windows XP professional password and obtain into Windows without asking password? Here will show you five tips to work through the password in the case of forgetting password.

Tip 1: Enter into operating system with another user account

1. Go to your Or Windows XP logon screen to see if there are other user accounts (with administrator privilege to alter or remove user password) to get into system. If have, login with it.

2. If you're not forgetting the default Administrator account password, additionally you can press "Ctrl + Alt + Del" key to bring it out, and then login with it.

3. After getting into system with other user account, remove your user password by this way:

Click Start " Control Panel "User Accounts, select your user account, select Remove the password, and then click on the Remove Password button.

4. After removing your user account password, log from the other account and visit the login screen, click on your user account, you'll log into automatically without asking password.

Tip 2: Remove password with Windows XP installation CD

1. Set your pc to boot in the installation CD.

2. Press R, and then press Shift + F10 to open Command Prompt.

3. Type the following command to replace sticky keys (sethc.exe ) with command prompt (cmd.exe).

copy c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe c:\

copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe

4. After executing the command, eject cellular phone disk, and reboot computer using the command: wpeutil reboot.

5. After booting normally to the logon screen, press "Shift" key 5 times.

6. On the Command Prompt window, bypass your user password using the command: net user [user name] "".

7. After running the command successfully, your user account password is emptied, close the command prompt window, click your user account, you'll be able to enter into without knowing password.

Tip 3: Clear Windows XP professional password with Offline NT tool

Offline NT Password & Registry Editor is free of charge software that will help to reset or remove your Or Window XP Professional forgotten password.

1. Download Offline NT Password & Registry Editor in the site: https://pogostick.net/~pnh/ntpasswd/

2. Produce a bootable CD or USB drive with the offline NT tool.

(You will find detail steps steps to make a CD or bootable USB drive around the downloading page, you can make reference to it.)

3. Set Windows XP professional computer to boot in the CD or USB drive.

4. If booting successfully, the monochrome screen can come up, and you may stick to the steps and directions on the screen to do. And many of times, you need to simply press Enter to select the default one.

Tip 4: Empty Or Window XP professional password with a password reset disk

For those who have created a password reset disk from your Windows XP Professional computer, you can use it to reset or remove the forgotten password easily.

Use the password reset disk to get rid of Windows XP forgotten password:

Visit the logon screen, click your user account, and click on the right-arrow button. You will notice the error message like the picture below, click on the link "use your password reset disk". (If you haven't made a password reset disk, you will not check this out link.)

Insert the password reset disk into the computer, and follow the instructions on the dialog to unlock computer.

However, if you haven't made a password reset disk in the past, create one with Windows Password Tuner.

1. Download Windows Password Tuner Standard, and do the installation around the accessible computer.

2. Follow the instructions on Windows Password Tuner Standard to produce a password recovery disk.

3. Set the Windows XP professional computer as well in the password recovery disk, and follow the instructions to create the password to blank. You'll be able to bypass the login screen to get involved with Or Window XP without password.

Tip 5: Reinstall Windows XP system

When you're locked from computer, additionally you can choose to reinstall system. After the system is reset, all the data on system drive, such as the user accounts and passwords you used before could be cleared.

Should there be some important data on the system drive, perform a backup of it. To backup data in the drive:

1. First, take away the hard drive out of your Windows XP professional computer.

2. Connect the hard drive to another computer that is accessible with administrator privilege. You can put the hard drive into another drive enclosure after which connect it to the other computer.

3. Get into the pc and open hard drive to repeat the data to do a backup alternatively computer.

4. After which put the hard disk back to your Or Window XP Professional computer, and reinstall system to pay off the password, and unlock your computer.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 465
امتیاز مطلب : 0
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 0
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تاریخ انتشار : پنج شنبه 8 فروردين 1398 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : jiajiasnow

An early version of Microsoft's new Chromium-based browser got leaked throughout the weekend on a series of file sharing websites.

While the release isn't official, this seems to be an experimental build of the new browser, and users installing it can get an idea of what's o come once the preview version of the application lands.

Microsoft announced at the end of 2018 that it's giving up on EdgeHTML in Microsoft Edge, instead opting for Chromium, exactly the same engine that powers Google Chrome along with a number of other browsers.

While the software giant did not provide a target release date for that new browser, it did say that a preview version of the new Edge could be shipped in early 2019. In the last few weeks, evidence that the release only agreed to be around the corner made the rounds on several occasions, again with no official announcement from Microsoft.

However, given that the download links are now live, I expect Microsoft to publish the preview build from the Chromium browser soon, possibly now.

"The same Edge look and feel"

Originally, it was believed that the company could wait until the Build developer conference in May to ship this preview build, but all signs now appear to indicate that the release is imminent.

Microsoft promised to help keep the advantage feel and look untouched, regardless of the migration to the Chromium browser. The new Edge will support all Google Chrome extensions within the Online store, but at the same time, the company will even maintain its extension store with recommended add-ons for its users.

In addition to Windows 10, the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge will even reach other platforms, including Apple's macOS. However, the main focus right now seems to be Windows, as Microsoft really wants to switch the existing Edge version in the operating-system with the one running on Chromium as quickly as possible.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 389
امتیاز مطلب : 0
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 0
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تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 5 فروردين 1398 | نظرات ()